Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Who sleeps this late?!

OMG It's 2:20 pm and my friends have YET to wake up. I can't believe this. How can people stay in bed this late?! In the time that they've slept, I've gone to the gym, showered, figured out every button on my camera (yay!), had a fun convo with Connie L, and checked facebook and blogs many, many times. I have not sat in a dark room for this long ... ever. Tears. I'm in prison. :(

I'm not annoyed though because if they weren't here, I'd just be sitting alone at home. At least this way, I can occasionally look down and see Danny stirring in his sleep. I think this is what it feels like to watch little babies sleep. I want to take a picture but Danny will be angry at me.

When they arrived, Eric said one of the questions they asked each other on the way up was "what is one physical trait and one personality trait your significant other must have?" I can add one

- Wakes up early

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha! then i am a candidate for your love~