Monday, December 10, 2007

I should have gone to office hours

I can't stop thinking about my demography grade. Partly because I keep studying demography. I went to the review session, where we went over the practice final and I'm more relieved because I could at least understand what was going on. Now I just have to go home and study equations like mad. But I keep thinking about how I probably could have gotten an A, possibly even an A+ in the class if I had just gone to my gsi's office hours to review homework problems that I didn't understand. I did it for statistics last year and I got a good grade. I didn't really think about how important homework was (30% of my grade). If I had just gone through homework problems, I would have gotten 100% on homework, and I would not have to freak out about the final at all.

I'm trying not to think about my computer science class because if I do, I'm going to freak out even more. I'm not sure what I got on my project, which is the main part of my grade. I can't believe I didn't freak out more when I got a 70% and a 80% on my midterms. At that rate, I'm hoping for a 90% on the final. Heh.

Next semester:
- Aim for A+s and slowly readjust goals as year goes on, instead of aiming for nothing and realizing a week before finals that I'm not very happy with my grades

The only good thing is the two classes I'll probably get B's in are 1) the least important prerequisite for Haas and 2) a breadth course

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