Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Clif Bars are my favorite

I generally don't like things that have gingerbread flavors. I'm not big on holiday seasonal foods, because I don't like the typical flavors that holidays are associated with: peppermint, ginger, caramel, etc. Even so, I could not resist buying TWO Iced Gingerbread seasonal Clif Bars. Look at them! How can you resist them?

They're so cute. It looks so much more feminine, compared to the usual designs. Look at the man stepping on a snowflake! Snow is lifting him into the air!

I just want to gobble them up.

And I did.

Other seasonal flavors are: pear apple strudel and spiced pumpkin pie. There is a discontinued caramel apple cobbler. If anyone knows where grocery stores throw away unsold items, please point me in the direction. Caramel apple cobbler sounds like a real winner to me.

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