Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Return of the Treadmill

I haven't run on the treadmill for several months. I stopped because I realized that walking on the incline made my calves thick and running gave me shin splints. The idea of muscle ripping off my bones does not really appeal to me. So I just ran around the track for the rest of the summer, which was really nice. But now that I'm back in school, there's no track to run on - at least I don't THINK there is. There's this giant walled off section next to the RSF and I have no idea what it contains. There's the entire west side of campus that I don't know very well because you have to climb uphill and I have no reason to go to that side. So I've just stuck to the elliptical this entire time.

Yesterday though, I really wanted to go running so I went on the treadmill. It lasted about 2 minutes, because I just happened to go on the one that made hideous screeching noises. So I just retreated back to the elliptical. But today, I walked in and saw a treadmill in a really good place - it faces the raquetball courts so it feels more private, and no one would be staring at me. So I ran about 2 miles on it. omg, I definitely got an endorphin rush from it. I'm kind of just sitting in my room all happy for no reason. I think my body got too used to the elliptical and it started to feel like a chore. So maybe now I'll go back to running.

It's nice to know that I can still gain some simple pleasures in life, and it's not from the tv or alcohol. HA.

It's also raining, which would normally make me even happier, but seeing as how I don't have my UMBRELLA I'm kind of wondering how I will get to class.

This makes me want to go on an arrested development marathon. I really shouldn't though. I have no reason not to (I HAVE NOTHING TO DO IN MY LIFE) but I just shouldn't

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