Saturday, October 20, 2007

Just because I hate pissy little entries at the top

Mom: Oh my gosh, you've bought so many clothes. If you grow to not like one, don't throw them away! You have to give them to me.

Yesterday night, my mom comes over to speak to me, and I look over and she is wearing my SHORT SHORTS. I think I wore them in MIDDLE SCHOOL. I finally decided to stop wearing them in the summer, and although it's pretty amazing that I could squeeze into them, the result was beyond unflattering. They'd give me a huge muffin top, and I didn't realize until a few weeks into summer that I really wasn't that fat, it's just that there's no reason why a then-18 year old should be fitting into the clothes she wore as a 7th grader. Anyway, I pretty much reacted with a "OMG YOU CANNOT BE WEARING THAT. YOU ARE TOO OLD" and she was like "what?! This fits me! I'm just going to wear this around the house anyway." She'd wear anything without holes in it. And even then, she'd just say "well I can just wear it around the house."

Another cute thing ... there's only one toothpaste that I like to use and that's Crest with Scope. You can buy a four pack at Costco! The dentist gives out little free sample ones, and I like to take them on trips because if I don't use that toothpaste, I feel like my mouth is unclean. Well, yesterday morning, I wake up and find that my dad has put out a tiny little bottle of Crest toothpaste. AWW!

I woke up today and HATED my hair. It looks so stereotypical Chinese girl. Damn you straight bangs! I look like Julie Taylor/Aimee Teegarden from Friday Night Lights. I never liked her hair, just because of my bias against straight bangs, but I guess people like it, judging from comments I see on twop. It doesn't look good on me though, at least I think so.Time to go to the dentist! Then Costco, then eating some Chinese food X__X Sometimes I just hate to come home because I feel obligated to eat all this food. And when I don't eat tons of my mom's cooking, she acts like I didn't like it or it was not tasty, when really, I just don't want to get fat. I think when I get home, the first thing I will do is go to the gym. And then I might start swimming starting Sunday!

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