Friday, January 25, 2008

School has begun. End life

Wow, so while it was winter break, I would have to resist posting 3x a day, but now that it's schooltime, suddenly it's 5 days after my last post and I haven't even thought of blogging. School has felt very hectic. I don't know why people told me to go to SD on the first week, because if it were me, I would be way too stressed out to have friends over. There's readers to buy and classes to find and homework to do in a very short amount of time. I'm used to doing all my homework on the weekend and doing nothing during the week, but the first week of a semester is always "AHHH must do things before TOMORROW!" which is kind of insane.

It has been fun so far. I play wii with my floormates and it is awesome. I never improve though, so you wouldn't even know that I play when I go back to Arcadia. I went to the gym today with some floormates which was oddly fun. We all did different things and just met up after we finished. I usually hate going to the gym with others because they always do the same thing right next to me. Afterwards, we just went to the second level and sat on the stretching mats and ended up talking. Mainly me about Arcadia and the bizarreness that is our school.

I also have been rewatching Alias with Alvin and sometimes Chrystal. Watching Alias with these two is a lot less fun because Chrystal is very critical whereas Alvin knows so much random facts that he can pick apart the inconsistencies and falsities of the show. Example:

Show: Rambaldi did this in the Americas in the 1400s

Alvin slept over in the dorm yesterday and even though I was already asleep by the time he went to sleep, it was super fun. I wish I could have more sleepovers. I need friends who can sleepover at my place.

Impressions of my classes:

Math1B: WHATTT THE FUCKKK. I am seriously going to fail this class unless I sit down and read a semester's worth of math in a weekend. Because this class is supposed to be a continuation of Math1A, and you take it right after so there's only a month of break in between the material. Instead, I took math1A my FRESHMAN fall semester and I have absolutely no idea how to do calculus anymore. Not only that, but people who take this class are generally engineers and are intent on doing a crapload of heavy math courses. So, this is a freaking tough weeder class, and I'm taking it as a unknowledgable sophomore. I have never truly been scared of taking a class, but when I saw on the syllabus that 2% get lower than C's, it was the first time I was like "omfg I am going to be in that 2%"

Stat 134: I did not realize you needed a year of calculus as a prereq for the class. He put up five introductory questions, of which I only knew ONE. He basically said "if you aren't comfortable doing this, you should get out of this course." I have the stupid notion that as long as you study hard for a math class, there's no reason why you can't get an A. We'll see how that works out come May

GWS: My women studies class. I kind of want to drop it because I realized that there are a few words I never want to have to read about in a class. They are
- transnational
- postcolonial
- globalization

After my class about California and the World, I was like OMFG I HATE any article that uses these words because I just want to rip my eyes out. But I don't want to drop this class because then it'll ruin my perfectly blocked schedule.

Film 50: Omg the second the professor started talking, I could tell this is probably going to be the best class I ever take at Berkeley. Which is saying a lot, seeing as how I've already taken Astro10 with probably the most highly recommended professor on campus. We have 3 hour lectures on Wednesday, which is when we watch the chosen film, and then 1 1/2 hour discussion on Fridays. I've never heard of any of the films, except Memento which is shown at the very end. They're all fairly old movies, a few of which were made in the NINETEENTH century. It is awesome to know that OUR OWN library has these materials in possession, which our teacher can use to show in class. It sounds really nerdy of me, but the one fact that has stuck with me over the years is that we have the 3rd largest library in the nation, after Yale's and the Library of Congress.

Most of the films shown are on 35mm. Oh yeah, our lecture takes place in a THEATER on campus. Not a shabby little room with a projector but an actual THEATER where someone lowers and raises the lights and we have theater-like seating that is elevated. We actually get printed TICKETS when we enter the classroom. And then the GSI will rip off the stub for you. AWESOME? AWESOME.

Also, the professor obviously knows what she's talking about, and within 20 minutes of her talking, I already felt myself become more appreciative of movies and filmmaking. I want Frances L to come up just so she can go to one of the lectures. *__* seriously

UGBA 101B: This is an upper-level macroeconomics class. I'm pretty confident about my choice of business as my major because I honestly think the material is interesting. It's weird because this class is taken by Haas people mainly, and I could feel a totally different atmosphere within the room. You feel it whenever you enter the Haas building too. It's like ... a feeling of confidence and security, and like everyone knows what they are doing. Maybe I'm just projecting, but I think it's true.

IEOR: This is a "leadership" class, like how to be a good leader. There were a few things that my professor has already done that I really hate in a teacher:
- has a quiz after the first reading. Professors who do this are trying to claim that the class is to be taken seriously and yes, you absolutely must do all the reading. Usually, it turns out that the professor is extremely easy and is just trying to prove something that they aren't.
- wastes paper. She gaves us a giant envelope full of papers printed with things that didn't take up much space. Ok, for the project at hand, it was much more useful and would have been a lot more stressful if she hadn't wasted so much paper, but it still pissed me off
- talks for 4x longer than she has to. There's really no need to clarify things SO fucking CLEARLY.

Ok. Wow, I have been talking to Danny for a long time. I guess this is one of those fabled times when "Danny suddenly talks a lot, when you don't expect him to." I heart you friends

Edit: Dude. I talked to Danny for over an hour straight. Well over an hour. It was like ... non-stop conversation. Danny's such a mystery


FL said...

oooh what movies are you watching? =)

FL said...

I love The Bicycle Thief! my dad made me watch it when I was eight and it made me cry. and he thinks Catherine Denueve is sexy in Belle de Jour. haha. and The Woman in the Window is film noir, which I love. <3

I am jealous. :(