Friday, January 18, 2008

I will never procrastinate again

I'm slowly accomplishing all the things I should have done at the beginning of break. I'm taking care of all this club stuff (shotglass/mug design and order, e-mails, blah blah blah) but the more I do, the more sad I feel because I keep thinking "I COULD HAVE DONE THIS WEEKS AGO!"

I didn't bring my laptop home so I kind of just used that as an excuse for why I couldn't get things done. In the end though, I just had people e-mail me some information. The more I do, the more I realize how EASY all this work is. If I had just done it EARLY I would have saved myself a lot of stress. Plus, one of my tasks involves ordering things and I had set a goal to have the things ready for pickup by the time school started, which is NOT happening. I don't even know if I can order it before the weekend. ARGH! I really effing hate myself. FUCK ME for procrastinating.

I hope I take this lesson to heart and actually NEVER EVER procrastinate again. I went from feeling really stressed out to just feeling really guilty and terrible about myself. I don't know if anyone will really really care that I didn't get this done immediately, but I still feel really bad about it. AGH! I need to like ... print this entry out and tape it to my table, so every time I open a game of minesweeper or pick up a new tv show to watch, I remember this feeling of self letdown and guilt.


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