Sunday, January 6, 2008

Just how big is this storm?

I'm in UCSD right now wearing really wet jeans and waiting to shower. My period came at a rather unfortunate time because I wanted to start exercising and I also have to sleep on people's couches for the next week. But I guess this makes me less sad about my monstrously large stomach.

Connie L and I just went to Frances' apartment and talked for a long time. I felt kind of tired the whole day because of the sleep debt I've been building, but talking about past memories is rather exciting. Although, we could hear Connie Y downstairs laughing and when she came up she said WE were loud. I guess even if UCSD apartments look really nice, they're still equally non-soundproof.

Visiting Connie L in college always makes me extremely eager to live on my own. She and her roommates always decorate their place to make it seem very lived in, with a lot of personality. They also cook very well and seem quite independent, which makes me think about how I would live. Their places also smell very nice. I think Frances uses the same Febreeze that Chrystal and I have, only their place is so large that it actually smells nice, whereas when you spray it in my room, it hurts to smell because it's so concentrated.

This will be the first time in a long time I've gone to bed earlier than ... 4 am. Eek! I should have brought a book to read. And sneakers to exercise in. Boo. Shower time!

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