Thursday, May 14, 2009

Studying hurts

I just went through five chapters of powerpoint slides in an hour and a half. I think my brain is fried. I can't tell if I am unable to continue studying because I'm hungry or if I'm just exhausted. Ideally, I would have someone I can go to Crossroads with to get delicious hot chocolate and muffintops. But I don't see anyone online and it's too lonely to go alone.

Sometimes when I study, I look for facebook pictures of my last crush and leave them on my computer and it somehow inspires me to work and not waste time. My levels of creepiness astound me.


My face is kind of breaking out from Food Marathon. Sadness. Yet it was such an epic day.

I DID NOT GYM TODAY! I hate when I fail to gym during finals. It's so predictable. My first final is tomorrow! I will be really pissed if her idea of a "cumulative final" is not cumulative at all and I wasted all this energy studying unnecessary chapters.

I can't believe it's only 11:30! Lately I will wake up at 7am and try to induce sleep even though my mind is in panic stress mode. Ok, my body is getting really restless from this non-studying waste of time. Back to process costing.

I forgot to mention, Lady Gaga is SO COOL! Kooky, but still cool

1 comment:

A9SecondSleeper said...

your level of creepiness has set new records for creepiness =D