Sunday, May 3, 2009

Flushing was a painful decision

I went to the RSF to study today and brought a thermos of hot barley tea. I then really had to pee so I went to the restroom and that's when my ring fell into the toilet. :( !!! It was not my replacement TMV ring - it was a ring I bought in Taiwan that I really liked and only recently started wearing again. I wore it one day last week and then couldn't find it. Then yesterday I found it in a pair of jeans and wore it all day. And today I flushed it down the toilet.

I just stood in front of the toilet for literally two minutes, staring at my ring in the toilet. If I had brought a pen, maybe I would have fished it out. I kept debating - reach in and save my ring? Or flush it and be done with it? My mind was like, "I REALLY want that ring. But I REALLY DO NOT want to put my hand in the toilet." I wish I hadn't watched my ring fly away when I flushed because now every time I flush I see the painful image of my ring being flushed into the sea.

If it had been my actual TMV ring, the one I lost last year, I probably would have reached for it. Which goes to show how much I value those friendships! But I figured I would probably not ever wear this ring again, knowing that it had been inside a toilet, so it wasn't worth it.

In other urine related news, I just remembered that yesterday Laura drank five carafes of water and had to pee about four times in the lounge. Then she drove us home and REALLY had to pee and by the time we reached her apt, she just leapt out of the car and didn't even close the door. AHHAHA Andria had to reach over to shut it. I think if I had told a really good joke, Laura's night would have ended very embarassingly.

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