Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Visiting UCSD

It's so bizarre to visit UCSDers in their new apartments. Everyone has moved off campus and since I have absolutely no sense of direction, whenever we drive around I'm hopelessly lost. I can't believe how far everything is. OR how nice EVERY apartment is, and how much parking there is. It's INSANE. SD is kind of a place that I would like to live in when I'm older, but I don't really want to live so close to a college. But I love all the condos!

While I enjoy being the person who "brings together everyone" I can't believe how rarely everyone sees one another! But at the same time, I have yet to actually meet up with Jackie since school started, so I should not be talking. Sometimes when TMV hang out, it feels like nothing has changed at all. But sometimes I hear about things and can't believe how much some of us have changed. I wonder how I have changed since high school. I hope it is for the better.

When we are driving from house to house, it felt as if we all lived in the same city, but not with our parents. As if we had magically decided to all live in the same place after graduating. Everyone's residence is pretty similar to what I would have imagined for them. Danny lives in a very nice apartment that is not very furnished. I would like to live in a place like that - it's two story with a loft! Although I would only need one bedroom in the future and not three. His bathroom is super nice. Today Connie L saw a bag of calcium chews and was like "WTF DANNY WHY DO YOU HAVE THESE? Do you know these are for menopausal women?" and Danny was like "they're GOOD" :D

Connie Y's room is very similar feeling to her Arcadia room, because it is very cozy and cute. We talked there for a long time last night. The boys went downstairs to smoke and I felt like we were with stereotypical Asian gangsters. They were just standing around the street smoking. HAHA

Connie L's/Frances L's place is very similar to how Connie's old place was. Very uniquely decorated. Whenever I come, I always want a cat but I know that I am really a dog person. I mainly hung out with Frances L today, which was fun. ALTHOUGH I was supposed to study SIGH SIGH

What have we done? Hmm... Danny drove me down yesterday. SO FUN I love riding in his car ... or really any car where the driver goes fast and I feel safe enough to not feel like I will die. He sang for most of the ride. My favorite parts of life are when I just look out the window, and I especially love seeing the ocean when driving towards SD. We ate at ... a Korean restaurant yesterday and then went to this crazy dessert place in the gay area of SD. Who knew there was such a place?

Alvin: I bet that biker's gay
Me: Because he's riding off the seat?
Alvin: Yeah and because his jeans were tight

Yesterday was another big gathering day, which was very nice. :)

Today the main gathering we had was going to eat at a Japanese restaurant and then playing mini golf at Boomers. FUN FUN FUN Now we are playing Scattegories and Pictionary. And we STILL HAVE TOMORROW, the REAL veteran's day, to play!

I feel "very blessed" (I just read an interview by Lindsay Lohan, which is why that phrase is floating around my head) to have friends who seem so excited when I come down :) AWW to everyone!

I downloaded more Benji Hughes songs and I am surprised that I like them. None of them sound remotely similar to "Waiting for an Invitation" which I am STILL looking for. But I like one song and I didn't notice until today that some of the lyrics of "You Stood Me Up" go "Hundred million ways to break a heart, that's one you taught me" which is kind of cool I guess

OMFG IT'S 1:41?! I HAVEN'T DONE SHIT TODAY. I think I just blew any possibility of getting A's in my classes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad you had fun and you are welcome to come again!
another funny alvin quote:
*points at wall* "is that the milky way?"