Friday, November 14, 2008

New reading material

Eric and Alvin have blogs. But they don't do very much to satisfy my blog reading needs! I sometimes have random moments when I really want to find interesting blogs to read. There are so many people in the world and I wonder how many of them have blogs that I would enjoy reading. It's very hard to find blogs to follow though. And I'm sure the joy of reading some blogs is because you can hear the person's voice in your head, which I never take the time to develop when reading a stranger's blog. :( Maybe I should be trying to find actual friends anyway.

I wish people would blog more often and more personally. This is what my blog would be if it were like others


This is a balance sheet I made in accounting class

Blah dippity doop bleep bloh. Bleep bloops leepity loop.

* I did not actually watch this video. I hope you didn't either


FL said...

haha you make me laugh. i guess my typical entry would be a badly punctuated, half-crazed rant about music or people that i would delete after a day or two.

Anonymous said...

lol i wonder if you're referring to me...with all the colors and blahs n bloops. hahahaha

coonie said...

no, it must be me!

mine would be a one sentence line about something random that happened in the day. :(

meltang said...

NO harm is meant! just humor :D

Anonymous said...

where r their blogs? I want to read too LOL