Thursday, November 20, 2008

Getting close to broke

Back from SF! I LOVE my black dress. As expected, I do not like my heels. They look cute I guess, but I think I have to poke another hole in the strap because it's too loose. So I went to Supperclub with my friends from RCSA. Supperclub is ... not easy to put into words.

To sound totally juvenile, I GOT DRINKS and didn't get carded! Awesomeness. And the servers there were like "what's the occasion? are you guys coworkers?" which is COOL. I am out of the college student segment. :D The bar was really nice and the bartender was very cool looking. It would be interesting to learn how to bartend.

So the lounge is like ... a room and instead of tables you lie on these white beds. It's a three course entree and I thought the food was very good. It wasn't as snotty as I thought it would have been. Our waitress was normal but the amount of strange there was off the charts. I feel like it was totally San Francisco. There was a man in a skintight rabbitsuit and the first words I heard him say were "MY PENIS IS ON YOU! MY PENIS IS ON YOU!" to the lady next to us. When he came over to our party and basically lied on our legs, I saw him rubbing Kristen's knee for an exceedingly long time. HAHA Then there was a group of people dressed in drag or clownish outfits and it seems like their jobs are basically to sit around, drink, talk, eat, and occasionally pretend to have sex with each other. Seems like a fun way to earn money.

The food is really good - the soup was creamier than I usually like, but it definitely filled me up. I don't really know what we had, but I heard the words celery and scallop. But it kind of tasted like my palak paneer. Then we had this beef thing with potatoes and vegetables that had a really good sauce on them. I heard the word Thai. HAHA And then we had a REALLY good dessert that was like ... some sort of ... not ice cream but something sweet and scooped, with a wafer and something kind of like a chocolate souffle with sauce. I heard the words pistachio and mint.

Only downside - I'm out $60. But it was a pretty well spent $60 - lots of interesting memories. In the middle of dinner, we had A SHOW where this fairly naked guy did the most AMAZING THINGS on a trapeze swing. At one point, he was hanging on it with the BACK OF HIS NECK. CRAZY.

I was supposed to go clubbing tomorrow but I think I've been going out too much. BOO BOO. I don't think I'll have another chance to get into an over 21 club until I'm actually 21. Sigh. I'm ALSO missing out on the bonfire rally, a volleyball game, AND the football game. LKJDFKLDSJFLDSf WHY did I have to have a presentation for marketing SO LATE? I could have gone to ALL OF THESE if I didn't feel guilty about getting a shit grade.

I've decided that I AM going to take back my job at Equilar. Pros: money, it gives me something to do, and this way I have a backup for graduation. Cons: my eyesight will go down, I should probably be concentrating soley on recruiting

Quote of the day:
Kristen: Where did you learn how to twirl a baton?
Gay man in bunny suit: I taught myself. I taught myself a lot of things. I taught myself how to sew ... how to suck dick ... and how to twirl a baton

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