Sunday, February 22, 2009

UCSC Retreat

I finally found the remix that I like! Took a long ass time, given that it's the one played on 94.7

I went to my club retreat this weekend at Santa Cruz and now I'm blogging about it because I really cannot pull it together and study for my accounting midterm tomorrow. Santa Cruz has a weird smell. We called it brewer - a mix of beach and sewer smell. It is also very diverse there, a lot of Greek and Mexican food places. I had the most amazing pita bread EVER the first night there - they were almost like breadsticks.

Every time we have a retreat, I come back and I feel like I can cook anything. We try to buy the simplest foods and people make them into such delicious meals. It is amazing how delicious a giant bag of pancake mix, bananas, and chocolate chips can be. That pancake mix has served maybe like a total 40 people for four different meals, and it probably cost like $15.

Kristen: We call her the Siren. She showed me a photo album of all the guys she has dated and NONE of them look alike AT ALL. She's dated huge athletes, skinny nerds, emo guys...
Me: I think you just called her a slut

I also participated in several very girly discussions about the love lives of our ex-com members. All of us have been single, and suddenly this weekend it pops up that within two weeks, three of them are pretty much in relationships. HAHA I particularly enjoyed the five-ten minute long conversation dedicated SOLEY to how Christina should write her text. And I can recite it by memory because we literally examined each word

(Name!) I had a lot of fun tonight! Too bad it was so short. See you in Berkeley! Gnite =)

HAHA We all got really pissed when she said "see you in berkeley" instead of "let's hang out sometime!" Gosh, there are so many ways to misstep when dating.

There was also a VERY cute cat who was in the backyard and we eventually let it in. We had no idea where the cat came from and we didn't have any food to feed it. It was the most AWESOME cat I have ever met. Everyone loved it and I wanted to take it home with me. It was exactly the kind of cat I would want if I got a cat - a doglike cat. It was very easy going. You could pretty much do anything you wanted and it never hissed or clawed at you. I bet it got its personality because so many people rent the beach house that it's gotten used to strangers.

The Santa Cruz boardwalk had a clam chowder bakeoff. There were a ton of tents set up with people who had their own giant vats of clam chowder. You would buy a ticket to sample 5 different clam chowders and then vote for your favorite. It seemed like a very small town thing to do, except there were TONS of people. Very cute

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