Thursday, February 19, 2009

On the radio

I am live streaming 94.7, the top dance station of not only the Bay Area but probably the entire nation. I feel like I am doing homework in a gay club because of the constant dance music. Unlike KIIS fm, there are very few commercials and very little blabbering from the DJs. I keep hearing one commercial where the DJs are talking to a caller and they say "we did this report where people who skipped breakfast in middle school were more likely to have sex earlier" and the caller responds "I have found that to be true" and they all laugh and then dance music will start to play. I have never skipped breakfast. Which probably means I will never have sex. *glares at bag of cereal on table*

My roommate said that he is going on a diet and he is already very lean and never even exercises. I cannot figure out why he is suddenly dieting. I wonder if he met someone he likes. HAHA I remember a few years ago I was watching tv and a character was like "he's been working out a lot more. I bet he's thinking of having an affair and is trying to impress someone" and I thought "that's ridiculous! There are so many reasons why you would want to work out." But now I think it is true too. I always get competitive when people are dieting. Knowing that others are dieting makes me want to diet too, whether they are thinner or larger than I am. If the people near me are going to get thinner, that means I have to as well, to keep the proportions constant.

When I talk to people online, sometimes they just typed something and I about to respond when it says ____ is away and I think well then I guess I don't have to reply to you. I feel like my AIM manners have deteriorated because other's have as well so now I don't care as much. If I were in high school, I'd be so pissed if I imd someone and they were idle and they didn't put on an away. But I do that all the time now, because other people did it to me so often. I get very annoyed when people IM me with a thought and then immediately go on away and when I respond, they immediately come back. Why did you even go away in the first place? It always makes me think of some elementary school kid who says "I like you!" and then runs away. But maybe I'll start doing that too. People also have incredibly boring infos and away messages now. Maybe I am just stuck in the AIM world while other people have moved on from it. I guess I should grow up. And use twitter or something.

People will ask me, "do you cook?" and I say NO! Except spinach, broccoli, and soba noodles, I can't cook anything else. Then people will ask me, what do you eat? And I really have no idea. Because I know I have not eaten spinach, broccoli, or soba noodles that often. So what do I eat?! I'm certain that I have at least three meals a day. Luckily, I keep careful records of my day in my planner. So since spring semester has started, there have been thirty days of school. Ok, this is actually very hard to count, because what qualifies as a meal? And what qualifies as eating out? Does Top Dog qualify as a meal? Is it eating out if it's a club event and I didn't buy anything? Ok, I guess out of the thirty days I ate at home ... OMG ONLY EIGHT DAYS?! I used to say I did not eat out that often. But 8/30 is ridiculous.

Well, of those 22 eating out days, seven of them were free meals, like if I ate at someone's apartment or if I had a club event. So I only REALLY went out 14/30 days. But dang. Half of my lunches/dinners are outside food. How terrible of me.

But if I didn't spend all willy nilly, I would have never eaten THIS CUPCAKE (the one the the right, Matcha Green Tea)


Anonymous said...

mmm cupcakes... they look tasty.

FL said...

I do not skip breakfast either. We are such squares.

and you are right - the person who made the video set it to a song by the band Nouvelle Vague because the film is "nouvelle vague" (french new wave) and he thought it was clever I guess. Did you watch it in your film class?

Anonymous said...

i skip breakfast but i'm not getting lucky either LOL

and yea, my AIM skills have deteriorated too lol

and yea, cupcakes looks very nice
i want to go sprinkle's when i go back to LA this weekend lol