Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Trigger Happy

I think sometimes I write something and decide to send it before I really think about whether or not I should send it. The second right before I click send/post, I am like "you know what, sometimes you have to be bold and take a chance" so when it's sent, I'm like "yes! Go me!"

And then the next day I'm usually like "WTF?! Why did I do that?!"

Part of it is because it's technology, and it seems so easy to just hit enter. I always end up separating what I am writing from the act of hitting a button. Meaning, when I click send/post, I'm not thinking "should I send this message?" but rather, "should I click that?" And it's very simple to say "why not click a button? It's just a button!" I think I mistake stupidity/rashness for courage/spontaneity. In the long run, I am sure I won't even remember these things I stress about. But it sure makes the present day a lot more painful.

I'm so sleepy right now. I had a very tiring day, although I did not go to the gym. I had to table on Sproul today, which I really hate. It is fun to talk with people on Sproul though. I was there for five hours and when I went home, I ate chicken nuggets and watched SATC. Then walked over to Naomi's so we could drive to Pyramids, this brewery in Berkeley, for Kristen's 22nd birthday! Woot. We drove around campus and picked up more people on the street. Gosh, I really love just sitting in a car in Berkeley, even if we are stuck in traffic.

The tour guide was really crappy. He spoke very softly so I didn't learn shit about brewing beer. The place was very nice though - so it's a restaurant that has its own beer making facilities and apparently you can actually buy the beer from some grocery stores. Everything is very clean, because they give free tours. At the end, you get free samples of five beers: lager, this apricot one, pale ale, hefe something, and iap or something like that. Iap was really disgusting because it is more bitter. The apricot one smelled nice, but my favorite was hefe. Lager is ok, but it tastes like typical beer. !!! So I was the only one in the group who was not legal. But our tour guide was white, so when he started checking ids, I was like, I'm sure he can't even tell one asian girl from the other, so when he looked down, I just stepped to the other side of the group. TOTALLY WORKED!

After, a few of us left and went to Jack in the Box. I was so excited - free curly fries! And of course I was going to get a sourdough jack. I am not close enough to my period to want the oreo milkshake though. Dude, these free deals are freaking awesome. The Denny's one is cool in theory but kind of lame businesswise. The curly fries one is FREAKING genius. Because no one ever JUST buys fries - everyone is going to buy something else! So clearly they are bringing more business in, and it's customers that will pay more. I was and still am very happy because of my delicious Jack in the Box meal.

Now it is almost 11:00 and I want to sleep. This week is awesome. I wonder how different it would be if I had gotten interviews with all four Big 4's. But woot: Little Star tomorrow! Then a pre-interview social on Thursday, then the actual interview on Friday and going home!

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