Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Summer is here!

And I'm not ready! AH! I'm not thin enough yet to wear non-sweater clothing! I don't have a bikini body yet :( I haven't learned any new hair styles so I can't tie my hair back in interesting and sexy ways. I don't have any summer clothes! My body isn't able to deal with direct sunlight. Today I remembered what my apartment felt like in August - HUMID AND GROSS! It is better than the outside weather during the day, but after 7:00, I would rather be outdoors than in this heat box. I think I need to start wearing my really short shorts to bed again. I've also stopped wearing my aquamarineish sweater to sleep. Without that sweater, my protruding stomach is much more apparent!

I went to the RSF today and it was disgustingly warm! I hate how during the winter they turn on the heater - yes it's freezing outside but that's no reason to turn on the heater when we're all exercising! When I'm on the elliptical sweating like a pig, I always imagine how I would write a sternly worded e-mail telling them to turn off the heater. But by the time I get home, I am just so focused on eating cereal. I don't know what they do in the summer, but I definitely don't feel any cool breeze. I also get kind of annoyed when I try to go swimming at RSF and there are TONS more people, just because it is hot. Exercising at the RSF on a summer day is truly a miserable experience. The worst is when I use the rowing machine because they're placed so you can stare out the window. I guess most people would find that relaxing, to be able to see the sky while exercising. Instead, when I see a clear blue sunny sky, I'm like "oh fuck when I leave this gym I am not going to be greeted by refreshing overcast weather, but terrible sunniness." And then I'm much less motivated to work out.

Laura and I completed our 18 hour food marathon list. It took an hour and a half to compile a list and to place it in an order that would make sense logistically and gastronomically. I am surprised I was able to use the word gastronomically in my blog.

We also sat outside on her balcony and talked (for all of her street to hear). It was like we were in the South. Except we were two Asian girls on Ikea folding chairs, not black women on a porch in rocking chairs. Yes, that is my image of the South. Also, lynchers.

IT'S ONE AND I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING TODAY. EXCEPT do poorly on what should have been an easy exam! I should have been like that hilarious fobby girl who refused to hand in her test while the Rada REPEATEDLY said "I'm sorry but I have to take your test now." It was more hilarious when I told the story to Laura and she said "Is she really thin?! With a lot of makeup?! She did that too in 102a! The GSI was literally pulling it away from her but she wouldn't let go." HAHAHAHA


A9SecondSleeper said...

lol i hear it's supposed to rain by friday! So cheer up! and PSH, imagine how I feel in the gym, covered in a film of sweat, 30 people running around in one room, weighted down by a 5 pound gi (Dry weight, probably more about 8 pounds sweaty)

and lol, gastronomically

Anonymous said...

wow...what a crazy girl. haha i feel like she should just accept defeat and give up, hand in the test, and walk home in shammme...

yes, lol to gastronomically. :]

tinggg said...

haha i'm curious about this makeup chick. anyhow hope you enjoyed the tea...even though you didn't want it...but hope it at least erm...provided some cool-ness.