Sunday, April 26, 2009

I need to regulate

I think I talk too much. I need to start keeping my thoughts to myself. I wonder when I started this habit of saying everything that is on my mind. It probably annoys everyone to death - knowing all the foods I want to eat and when I regret something. I need to work on being more mysterious so people actually need to take time to know me. I can't believe I've turned into that friend who talks too much.

I figure most of my friends know enough about me (Frances C might laugh at that HAHA). And when people ask me how my day was, I get the impression that after I tell them about my day, they are thinking "I have no idea what she just said because she rambles and my mind glazed over." So stop asking me that! I kind of hate that question actually, even though I ask it to everyone. I feel like I am the kind of person who will immediately start a conversation with "OMG THIS HAPPENED TO ME" if it's really worth talking about. But when I'm asked "what did you do today!" I have to grasp at straws. Boring, boring straws.

I downloaded a bunch of new songs that I LOVE. I did not like Beyonce's Single Ladies for a long time but now I kind of do. I REALLY like Halo - I didn't know if it was popular or not but it's #12 on Billboard so I guess it is. Most of Beyonce's non singles aren't very good in my opinion. She kind of pops out a ton of songs without refining them.

I went through one day without gum and I thought I was going to go insane. Thank god I went to Costco today - I would seriously have bought packets of gum for $1


Kristen said...

HA! I asked you 'how was your day' today. I think I still will. Its a habit. And it is kind of fun to watch you get frustrated because you are amusing :)

Anonymous said...

HAhaha I kinda feel the same way... my comments about Kristen--I didn't realize they were so weird =(

BUT! Mel you ARE really amusing.. Please don't be mysterious!


tinggg said...

keke yay for that awesome person for taking you to costco =P

don't be silly mel...i hope it wasn't cuz i kept making fun of your libra-ness all weekend...i'll stop being mean =(

A9SecondSleeper said...


FL said...
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FL said...

your blatant honesty is one of the things I love about your blog. :D but you are still pretty mysterious, don't worry. I still think of you as a very private person.

coonie said...

you ARE mysterious at times do not worry