Thursday, April 2, 2009

I hate this year

I seriously think 2009 is going to be the worst year of my life. Well, for the past three months, I assumed that once it is 2010, my life will take a turn for the better. BUT THEN TODAY I had the thought - what if this is just the BEGINNING to a very craptacular life?! I guess I won't know until 2010.

Adding to my list of "Why 2009 wants me to just roll over and die" is the fact that I GOT A TICKET FOR JAYWALKING. I was crossing Telegraph and Durant, one of the most jaywalked intersections in Berkeley, and I got TICKETED.

I have already ranted about this to like four different people and I think after talking to Kristen about it I finally got the rage out of my system. Something about walking/talking/gesticulating wildly all at the same time kind of does that. So at first I was very nice to the cop about getting a ticket, then for about two hours I just started getting REALLY ANGRY about it in my apartment. I happened to be reading my entertainment sites and saw the youtube video of Halle Berry dancing on Ellen, and even though it probably wasn't that amazing, it made me laugh and calmed me down.

So now I've kind of rationalized the ticket into: there is definitely no way that I can contest it because I clearly DID jaywalk; maybe it is kind of ridiculous for the police department to keep every Berkeley student from jaywalking; but it was very stupid of me to cross without checking to see if any police were around. So I guess the lesson learned from today is WATCH OUT FOR COPS! But if they aren't there, proceed with illegal activity.

Best quote of the day
*upon seeing Kristen and I eating I.B. Hoagies*

And that was how she greeted us. HAHA

I've been thinking about this for the past few days and I have decided. My favorite words are:
1) ergonomic
2) shitshow
3) incompetent
4) mobilize! As when Kristen says "MOBILIZE!"

Why is Kristen getting so many mentions in my blog? I don't know.

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