Thursday, June 26, 2008


Ok, so I'm working on a long ass post that I will put up eventually. The beginning of the post goes somewhat like "I want to make a list blah blah blah I don't think anything interesting will happen so I'll just not blog for a few days" BUT FALSE. INTERESTING has struck my life.

I got a ticket to watch the premiere of Wanted today at 7:30. The movie comes out tomorrow so today is like the day when movie reviewers watch it and put up their review in the papers. Which makes me think DAMN their life sucks because at the end of the movie I was like "ok time to crawl into bed!" whereas they have to sit down and write.

So I invited Jon because I have no one else that is in Berkeley that I could imagine sitting around with for several hours. We took the F line (LOVE F LINE). The novelty of the Bay Bridge has not worn out. We got there at freaking 3:00 and walked around for 30 minutes and then went to the theater. We look at the line ... and there's no one standing there. So we go shopping but I keep thinking WHAT IF A MASS OF PEOPLE COME. Well, they didn't. They came at like 5:00, but waiting in line was worth it because we were seriously like #5 in line (if you don't count the 20 people who later joined those 5 people).

Ok this is turning into a xanga entry. Let's cut it down. Movie: AWESOME. I rarely watch movies in theaters now - if I remember it goes 27 Dresses and Enchanted in the past year. There's some cheese mixed in but about thirty seconds later you're like "ok who cares this is freaking awesome." The music is pretty good, and I haven't heard a decent movie soundtrack in ages. The whole time I thought the guy was Transformers guy and I was like "JON I BET YOU IT'S TRANSFORMERS GUY." When we left, he was like "THAT WAS NOT TRANSFORMERS GUY" but didn't know who it was. (It was James McAvoy)

And I saw my favorite person ever but it was like a three second shot of her as an extra. AND I also saw these two people at the theater who are on this website I read and they sat RIGHT in front of me. It took me like 4 minutes to make myself say hello, mainly because I knew if I didn't, I'd just be antsy the entire movie. About 30 seconds after I say hello and awkwardly let them return to their conversation, Jon accidentally throws his glasses into their popcorn. -_- HAHAHA I was mortified/amused.

There were two annoying guys that we sat next to. Jon took one look at them and totally stereotyped them, saying "do you want to change seats? They seem kind of annoying" and I was like "no ... maybe they won't talk in the movie." BUT NO. THEY. WERE. FUCKING. ANNOYING. They were about 10 years older than me, so I didn't really want to say "shut the fuck up." They laughed some of the corny parts, and I understand why they laughed but also, NO ONE NEEDS to know that you think you're above the movie. SHUT THE FUCK UP. End rant.

I love SF! And exiting the SF Westfield after the movie felt so similar to exiting the Arcadia Westfield, because the mall was completely empty and there is just that Westfieldness about it. Except, instead of being a five minute drive from home, it's a 15 minutes walk to the bus terminal then a 1 hr sit on the bus. BUT view of SF at night from Bay Bridge = WORTH IT.

Also, while walking back to the transbay terminal to take the bus home, there were TONS of people just leaving their work in business wear and stuff. IS THAT GOING TO BE ME? They all look pretty happy. I kind of want that to be me, since I figure I'm going to die alone and all I'll have is my career. :D

OK AGH I have work tomorrow. THEN WEEKEND. Then work. THEN JULY 4TH WEEKEND IN SOCAL!


Anonymous said...

stumbled upon your blog - brings back fond memories of SF. Keep writing!

Anonymous said...

IT'S JAMES MCAVOY. HOW COULD YOU. he is the only reason I kind of (maybe) want to see the movie.

FL said...

btw some critics get earlier screenings, but they just don't publish their reviews until after the weekend (to give the movie a fair chance at the box office I suppose). like I read a movie review for it in The New Yorker already.

oh and I don't know if I will be back next weekend because I'm leaving for SD in two days. :(