Thursday, June 12, 2008

Roommate Reunion

I spent yesterday night at Chrystal's AWESOME apartment. There's a definite Berkeleyness about the apartment (mold in places, terrible views, dingy hallway) but her furniture is so well picked out. It's all super cute and very modern. I can tell that my apartment is going to be a random assortment of furniture my friend leaves behind, and stuff that I randomly pick out from Craigslist. We basically talked for six hours straight, and then watched 10 things I hate about you. I fell asleep on her futon, after taking another luxurious shower. Yay to friends who let me shower at their place.

Talking to her made me think about a lot of things. I think I wanted a blog with less thoughts though. Isn't that stupid? My brain might explode from keeping in all these things. I feel like I don't really dwell on things because I just use my blog as verbal diarrhea and once I type it, I kind of forget about it.

Like my sublet issues. I wrote out this long ass post about it, and now people always go "awww are you ok now?" and I'm starting to react with "what? I don't think it's that bad. Did I say it was? Oh yeah I did." It's either not that bad or I'm starting to normalize it. I think it was just a huge rush of too many depressing things going on at once, so I hated life for a while. But when I break apart the little things, I realize it's not that bad.

So things Chrystal and I discussed
- There are so many people in the world who could be your greatest friend but you never meet them. Many of our friends were made through random circumstances. It's a little cool but very depressing to think of how many more close relationships you could have, but you just never have the chance to meet these people
- When you get older, people start treating you like an old person or like a child, but they don't treat you the way you are (if that makes sense... like if I were 80, no one looks at me as "Melissa," but as "old lady")
- Chrystal's belief that just about everyone in the world is stupid or lacks common sense and her hatred for these people
- The prospect of working a 9-5 job, which is especially terrifying for Chrystal
- The 1,200 man who lost 500 pounds and hopes to be able to stand for his wedding. Chrystal is the expert on this man
- 80,000 people in the US alone are over the age of 100
- The 80 year old woman who wanted to donate her body to science, then ended up living to age 115. There were no signs of Alzheimers, which means it is NOT inevitable
- The craziness of AHS, in particular, the insane AP English cliques that were made between students and teachers
- The weirdness of watching 10 Things I Hate About You knowing Heath Ledger has died, but how much weirder it will be when we watch the next Batman movie, and finally, the even MORE weirdness from watching his final movie
- People "invading our space"
- All the major bodily injuries Chrystal has suffered - about ten. My absolute favorite is the time she drilled herself in the leg
- The psychology behind the behavior of someone I find incredibly annoying. Interestingly, it's CHRYSTAL who makes me feel like I should be nicer to this person, even though I find no value in keeping a friendship with him

I loved having Chrystal as a roommate, especially first year. Second year was more whatever, like I got used to her just being there. And I do like how I feel like our roommate relationship ended when it should have, instead of being dragged out.

As always, after talking to her I want to: buy a lot more grown-up clothes, lose weight, hate on more people, clean

Also, I'm starting to want to go and talk to people in this sublet. I've always thought they seemed nice - they say hi and all. I just have no time to make conversation, because I come home so late, I go straight to my room, and then by the time I'm done doing everything I want online, it's time to sleep. But yesterday Chrystal was like "just talk to them! Of course they want to talk to you. They come here to make American friends!" And I was like hmmm that's true. Before I lived here, I thought it would be fantastic to make international friends. Then I got so busy ranting about where I live that I didn't have the time to talk. But I always regret not talking to people, and for once, I'd like to prevent that from happening.

Agh I'm so late for work. So late = five minutes. I hope this doesn't become a habit. Especially since it seems I'm taking a week off. HAHA

Hopefully I will post a more eventful entry!

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