Saturday, June 21, 2008

My new perspective

Good: I have a room to myself and I can do whatever I want whenever I want
Bad: My roommate is coming in July
Not so bad: I would like to become friends with my roommate and be able to say I have a lovely French friend

Good: My apartment is really conveniently located to the gym, work, school, and transportation
Bad: It's so hot that I basically sit in my room all day
Not so bad: I was smart enough to bring my fan, otherwise I would have died already

Good: The sublet has two washers and a dryer
Bad: Both washers are broken
Not so bad: I walked to my friend's apartment to do my laundry there and it was a pretty good workout

Good: There is running water here that I can drink out of the faucet and not feel sick
Bad: I had to steal toilet paper from my work and take it whenever I use the bathroom here, since toilet paper is not ALWAYS in the stalls
Not so bad: I no longer feel like I must shower at the gym, because I realized that the shower here is not terrible

Good: I eat a lot less
Bad: Except when I go to the dining commons for lunch
Not so bad: The heat makes me less hungry, so hopefully I will lose weight

Good: I've realized that I can probably keep myself busy for every weekend of this summer, and the weekdays are already so packed
Bad: It makes me think I was stupid to complain about my summer in the first place
Not so bad: At least I'm happier now

Good: The people here are very nice and always say Hi when I pass
Bad: That is the extent of our conversations
Not so bad: I don't think I'm being anti-social, I just don't really have the time to go knocking on people's doors

Good: There is internet here
Bad: It sucks
Not so bad: Maybe I'll learn to do something that doesn't require the internet

Good: This sublet is located in a busier part of Berkeley, so I still feel fairly safe walking around
Bad: It gets pretty loud here sometimes. I woke up yesterday at 4am because it was effing hot, and people were STILL partying
Not so bad: Usually I'm so tired I just pass out. And someone in the house across from my room plays some pretty good music. It's happy rock, which I'm very unused to. But happy rock is hard to figure out the lyrics, so I haven't been able to identify any songs yet

Ok so today - I didn't eat very much, but I also didn't move very much. Usually I force myself to go to the gym because I know I'll feel happier afterwards. But sitting in my room, I was like "no. I WON'T be happier after I gym because the gym is fucking hot and I'll just be sweaty and pissy. I'll be much happier sitting in front of this fan" which I still wholeheartedly believe. But I had this grand plan of becoming super fit this summer, and becoming super fit does not come from sitting on my ass all day. Even if I am sweating.

So after tomorrow, CRAZY WORKOUT. Just kidding. I doubt that will happen, because I'm realistic. Maybe I will try waking up really early and going to the gym before work, like I did last year. But I don't even know what my future roommate's sleeping habits are like, so I don't want to start doing it, just to find out she loves to wake up at noon or something.

I hung out with my friend whose apartment I am moving into. She graduated from grad school this year and is moving to Boston to be with her boyfriend of several years. How bizarre to know I have friends who are that mature. I have a few friends who are already planning to get married. CRAZY. I can tell that I very easily make friends with older people. I like to make older friends, so I think I try harder. The exception is ... all of my floormates. But how depressing that as I get older, that pool of potential friends grows smaller.

I always mention this, but I want to make friends in my sublet! Only because I feel like I would regret it if I don't, but whenever I think to myself "I should go out and make friends," I look at the time and think "well I'd like to sleep in an hour..." Presently, I feel completely fine with not making friends in this sublet, because there are several Berkeley friends I could hang out with as well. So does it make sense to do something simply as a preventative measure? Like, I'm only going to do this because I THINK in the future, I will be sad if I hadn't done it. That seems kind of like ... trying to handle too many things at once. Trying to make my future self happy when my present self is already very happy. But I guess that could also be said about eating yourself into obesity. You can be happy eating that donut now, but the future self will regret it, so you don't do it. That was a pretty bad analogy.

It's late. And by late, I mean early in schooltime. I'm SUPER EXCITED about moving into my apartment next year. It will be a bitch trying to make it cute, since I have no designer eye. But it should be fun. I feel like I'm going to become a super bitch though. I'm living with two boys who don't really know each other, so it's like I automatically have control over what goes into our apartment. I was the one who found the apartment and so far, I've taken care of everything, so again, I have complete control. Also, I'm a girl, so by default, they do what I say. The good thing for them is, I'm probably going to be a clean freak, but I like doing things myself, so they don't have to deal with mopping the ground or anything.

I'm so tired! Earlier today I completely knocked out and only woke up because I heard something. I totally did not realize it had been my cell phone, until I thought about it a minute later. Time to shower and wash this layer of filth off my body

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