Wednesday, June 18, 2008

New levels of tiredness

Song of the week.

So, a full-time 40 hour work week is pretty tiring. But, even more tiring? Is going to work, skipping lunch, working for 8 hours straight, getting off work, going home to pack a backpack of clothes, then taking the bart to SF to hang out with friends until 2am. THEN, waking up at 8am the next morning, going back to the bart, getting back to Berkeley, and then REPEAT. Times 4.


I definitely cannot keep up this life, but for a week with TMV, I am more than happy to. This summer is turning out to be very fun :) After they go home (which I wish would be later even though they'll be up for an entire WEEK) I'm going to try and make friends in my sublet. Then it'll be July 4th, more time with TMV, and then it'll be summer school! And before I know it, real school will begin. This is by far my most packed summer ever, and I love having things to do. Even though half the time I'm sad about my ever looming future of ... having an adult life.

I really need to work out though. We were at the lake and only Eric, Alvin and I went in. I found out later that Connie/Jackie had taken pictures on my camera and I'm so HIDEOUS. I'm very unproportional, and pictures don't lie! Whenever I work out, I only work out my legs and arms even though the only thing I complain about is my stomach. Lame. So, I need to add intense stomach workouts and just focus on that for a summer.

OK happy thoughts!

Highlights of the week: well actually I can't even remember everything.
- Rafting, for sure. Rafting just made me really want to do naturey things more. It seems like it would be awesome to go kayaking on your own. And we "surfed" on our raft, which just made me want to actually surf even MORE. My left side was also spectacularly sore the next day, which made me feel fit. LOVE RAFTING. I was really sad I couldn't take pictures though. But for sure my camera would have died if I had taken it
- Taking every chance to just jump in the river and swim. AWESOME. Also awesome but fairly terrifying was swimming DOWN a rapid. Eric, Alvin and I did it, and all of us thought we were about to die. Our guide was like "you guys can jump in the water if you want" and I immediately went for it. I totally understand how people drown now. I kept forgetting not to breathe and water just kept going into my mouth. BUT STILL. FREAKING fantastic
- Waking up in the middle night and realizing that EVERYONE was awake because Eric snores like a garbage truck
- Crazy delicious food made by Eric's mom
- Showing Connie Y everyone's blogs, which she has no idea about. She read Frances' quote "two of my apartments go to the mall every two weeks" and went "NO I DON'T!" and then proceeded to shop online
- Swimming in Lake Tahoe. Lesson learned, ALWAYS get in the water. Even if you think it's cold. Your body gets used to it and it's just SO FUN.
- "I eat chocolate" "COCKOLATE? WHAT ARE YOU EATING?"
- Sitting passenger seat in Jackie's giant sequoia, which is luxurious when being in a group of people who want to sleep, but TERRIBLE in the small windy streets of SF
- Being DJ on the drive down from Lake Tahoe, which kept me up and talking to Eric the driver
- Feeling like I'm with "family" when going on these road trips. Everything from people arguing about what direction to take, to people getting each other food, to random ass conversations

I don't know why I spent these two hours going online when I should have been napping. But I rarely go on the computer anymore, and geez there is so much to catch up on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes, your fans await your reports. tell usss...TELL USSS!!! lol i am happy you are having fun. :]