Monday, July 13, 2009

I don't care much for titles

I'm going to throw all the thoughts I ever have in the summer into a blog post, because I'm never really in the mood to blog anymore. I think it's due to lack of time, but I'm procrastinating right now, even though I know very well that I shouldn't be.

In classic American/meltang fashion, I've spoken to five international students in my class, and I only remember two of their names (the more American sounding ones) ... one is Simon Alexander (or was it Alexander Simon?), and the other one is Marcus. Alexander Simon is seriously like ... the equivalent of Brad Pitt in his younger days. He doesn't actually LOOK like Brad Pitt, he just has equivalent looks. There is also a Blake Lively look-somewhat-a-like who always sits between fobby Asian girls, but never next to the European transfer students, which I think is interesting. How unfortunate that I am taking summer classes this year. Had it been a year ago, I would have met many more Europeans. Damn you economy! You've worsened my life, yet again.

Once every few months I think to myself "I wonder if there are any new videos on TV is the Answer" and there are. There will be maybe five new videos, totaling ten minutes of viewing time. But I invariably spend an hour and a half rewatching videos I've seen before, then I'll continue to rewatch them AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN. They never get old! You come back with a few more months of life experience, and they all have new meaning!

This one talks about the sociopaths in Florida. Hilarious because at work all I ever hear about is how CRAZY people are in Florida.

I love my work because I am right in Powell so I know immediately when there is a sale going on. But the downside is that I am not making any money to buy things with, so knowing that there are sales only makes me feel like I'm missing out. I didn't realize Chinatown was so close to the Financial District - had I known, I probably would have gone to buy egg tarts and fruit during my lunch break. I feel like I squandered those few precious weeks when I worked 8 hours a day. Now, it looks kind of bad to come in at 1:00 and take breaks, so I just work straight until 5:00. Then, I'm so intent on going home in time for Core Blast or getting ready to swim that I don't have time to do anything in SF. I know that in a few years I'm going to really regret not taking advantage of working in Powell.

Other reasons I love work: Delicious free food, I get to listen to music, everyone is super nice, people drop the F-bomb everywhere. I finally met the person who hired me today (she normally lives in Oregon but is down for the week) and since I had already finished my last project, I happened to introduce myself while eating an apple, listening to music and writing a personal e-mail. Lovely first impression, I'm sure.

It is hot in Berkeley AGH I realized my wardrobe is really crappy today when I could only pick out a grey tshirt and a jacket to wear in 85 degree weather. Death. It suddenly feels much hotter in my apartment. I blame my apartmentmate's box of takeout bbq. I bet it's the heat of the meat, warming up this confined space. Yet another thing to put on my "things I won't miss about my apartmentmate" list. It joins "chews loudly," "fails to clean up after himself," "leaves food in fridge for weeks," and "dates annoying girl." Only two more weeks - how exciting, although he doesn't seem to be packing.

Oh gosh, she plays piano?! I wish someone would envy me for my talents. Unfortunately, I have none.

I never get tired of reading articles like these, which come out every week. Always saying the same things ... people did not expect to be in a recession! But they are now! How are they coping?! Story never changes, just the names. Yet I continue to read it. Kind of like how I couldn't stop myself from watching The Hills, even knowing that nothing particularly novel would happen.

I should have been studying but it's now 11:30. It's interesting that after this summer, I now think waking up at 7:00 is really late, and my idea of "OH NOOO WHAT HAVE I DONE?!?!?!" eating is when I eat a packet of oatmeal too many or TWO slices, not one, of peanut butter bread. Ideally, these would be my daily meals:

After gymming breakfast: oatmeal with a little brown sugar
After class snack: mangoes
Work time snack: two small apples or one big apple
After work snack: anything light
After gymming dinner: watermelon

But I constantly treat myself to prepackaged packets of oatmeal or a chinese rice krispy. The oatmeal packets aka packets of sugar are almost gone though - I'll be so pleased when they are. But then I will need another food to satisfy my random sugar cravings. Wouldn't it be amazing if I could eat a piece of dried fruit and think "god, this is so good! This totally satisfied my craving for sweets." That's what I aspire to be.

While swimming today, I randomly remembered my dream of graduating early and learning how to surf and living near the beach for a few months. That image seems so long ago - I haven't really thought about it in months. It's been so long that when I try to envision it now, I feel like I'm in someone else's mind. There's basically no chance of me realizing that dream anymore, which seems like a sad thing to say but I have no emotions about it because I have so many other priorities going on.

I wonder what I am going to eat after the summer is over and watermelon, mangoes, and peaches aren't in season anymore. What are winter fruits? At least I will always have apples.

I'm going to end this blog entry now, only because I want to check my email but to do that I'll have to log out of blogger. So, hope that was enough.

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