Monday, July 20, 2009


Sorry, deleted the last post. Not because I was embarrassed by anything, but I feel like it was a very inane post. Maybe if something more bloggable were going on my life, I would have more to say. But there isn't. I don't like making xanga-like entries about what I did over the weekend, because they don't interest anyone except for the people who were also at the event. And my job doesn't have particularly life-changing or thought-provoking moments so there's nothing to say about that either.

I'm surprised I like the songs by She & Him so much. It's the band that is one part Zooey Deschanel and one part M. Ward.

I want to watch episode 2x5 of Mad Men, but I know I should be studying. But I'm too tired to study, so I ended up just staring at this webpage and zoning out.

Curry smells are coming out of my pores because I went to eat House of Curries with Chrystal. mmm HOC ... so close to me yet I so rarely eat there. It is Chrystal's bday tomorrow and we were talking about what she plans to do. Unluckily for her, tomorrow is a Tuesday and only a small group of her friends are around. Talking about what she wants to do made me think about what I want to do. I figure it is early enough so that I can say what I want to do, without making it seem like "HEY HINT HINT THIS IS WHAT I WANT."

I haven't figured out if it would make more sense to do two parties (one in Berkeley one in Arcadia), one party (combined weekend trip), or three parties (one for Berkeley friends 21+ and one for Berkeley friends 21- and one in Arcadia). I am actually leaning towards just eating tons of food for a week with different groups and not having a party. I guess going off of that idea, I'd have

- go out to a more loungey place where I can drink alcohol with my Berkeley 21+ friends and get the most trashed there
- eat somewhere delicious but cheap with my Berkeley 20- floormate friends because several of them are studying abroad anyway
- eat somewhere with TMV/Berkeley friends
- eat an Ici bombe with Chrystal
- eat a 99 Ranch fruit tart
- eat an Andronico's fruit tart (is this too much fruit tart? But I don't know which one I like more ... they're so different)

Looking at that, I realize that my plan to eliminate my sweet tooth through abstention is an impossible task.

If I were dating someone, I would eat at Roy's with them. But even if I started dating someone today, it would only be a two-month relationship, which seems a bit short for a $80 meal.

I don't know if I would go home. I probably would have if we weren't going to Vegas in the summer, but now it seems like going to Vegas before I turn 21 waters down the importance of turning 21 in that group. That's what I get for turning 21 so late in the year.

I would rather not drink at my own party, because I don't want to pass out and miss out on my own birthday. But ... 21st birthday ... seems like an impossible request.

I love this. There are also interviews with Rupert Grint and Emma Watson but Daniel's is the most entertaining by far.

Also a topic that came up in conversation today with Chrystal: all the closeted gays in Hollywood! People we think are FOR SURE gay, but no one ever says it:

1) Zac Efron
2) Daniel Radcliffe
3) Bradley Cooper

I don't understand how some celebrities can't stop the tabloids from finding out their secrets, whereas some other secrets about the biggest celebrities are so contained. We figured that Disney and Warner Brothers just holds tremendous power over Hollywood that it only uses for its greatest money making stars. And Bradley Cooper is hard to spot, unless you watch his interviews under the assumption that he is gay, then it is much clearer.

There is no good ending to this entry. Just, good night


Anonymous said...

i have no idea who bradley cooper is, but the daniel radcliff japanese girl interview video was very funny...except i just lost 15 minutes of my time watching it! hahaha thank you for fun blog entries.

coonie said...

bradley cooper does give off a gayish vibe but only when you mention it

Kristen said...

Dont make such rash statements about my future husband.

also, your bday plans are inefficient. have ALL your friends go out to dinner together and then just have the 21+ stay with you to go out to drinks, etc. I think you'd like the Beta lounge on Bancroft/Oxford.