Monday, December 1, 2008

Diet and exercise

What a hilariously opinionated article

Time to exercise! I want this week to be over. RIGHT NOW.


WEIRD. I just came back from the gym. I usually go in the morning before classes, around 8:30-9:30 but today I went after class from 11:30-12:30. There are totally different people who go to the gym at these times (something I've noticed before) but I was just reminded of it today.

5:00-7:30: I have never gone to the gym this early so I wouldn't know
7:30-9:30: A lot of realllyyy old men, and a lot of younger white college females
11:00-2:00: A lot of white women who are in their late 20s-late 30s, slightly more Asian females who look more bookish, and more Asian males who look like "nice guys"
3:00-5:30: I have never gone at this time, but I've heard this is when all the athletes train, so I assume it's a lot of athletic looking white people
5:30-6:30: Based on my observations as I walk to the swimming pool, it's a lot of bulky white guys. Probably leftovers from the athlete training
9:00-closing time: TONS of Asians. A lot of douchier looking Asian guys, who I assume want to work out but are the kind who wake up too late to go in the morning, and more Asian girls who look like the kind of girls who go out with the Asian boys. It's also disgustingly warm and stuffy in the gym by this time. I can't believe I spent my freshman year going to the gym at night

1 comment:

FL said...

HAHA this is so true. by the way I just woke up. I did not stay up this late.