Saturday, December 6, 2008

Never say no

Today was amazingly fun, especially considering I thought today was going to be painfully dragged out. I went to Paulo's birthday celebration today, which was eating at a Mediterranean restaurant in SF and then ice skating. I woke up today not wanting to get out of bed. After delaying for half an hour, I got up at 8:00 and dragged my ass to the gym. Then, I was going to do homework but instead I went to eat Crepevine with Jon, Paulo, and Victoria as a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Paulo.

Came back and we just hung around the apartment. I started cleaning and I was halfway through sweeping the floor when I realized I was going to be late for class. I ditched and decided to go to the one a later one. After class I came back and called Caroline. After much delay and false starts (I had to go back to the apartment twice because I forgot things), we left for SF early.

On the bart ride, I already knew it was going to be a very tiring day. I just wanted to sit and sleep on the Bart. We arrived at Powell (it's been a very long time since I took the bart to Powell) and shopped. We didn't get anything. The sales are not as good as the news claims. Maybe because it's Friday. The only store that seemed to actually have the highly publicized discounts was FCUK, and I didn't want anything from there.

After trudging around SF, Paulo and the gang arrived. We went to the restaurant, which was pretty good. I regret ordering the lamb shank because it turned out to be a GIANT ASS piece of leg lamb. I do not know what a shank is. The potatoes were crazy buttery. But whatever - now I know. There was a belly dancer in the restaurant. Very strange. Harold, Paulo's best friend, had got him a cake from Coldstones. It was pretty good, but I bet if I had known beforehand that it was Coldstone's, I wouldn't have liked it.

Then we walked a little bit to the ice rink and skated for an hour and a half. I wish I could do tricks or skate backwards. Just to have some bragging rights. But at least I was lucky to have ice skated as a child.

We were crazy tired and managed to catch one of the last Barts back to Berkeley. I can't imagine what would happen if we had missed it.

Then I went back to my apartment. The hilarious thing is that I was simultaneously "hosting" a party that I wasn't at. RCSA ex-com had wanted to do a party, but no one offered a place. I was going to this birthday bash, so I thought there was no reason to do it at my place. But things got desperate and I was like FINE we can do it at my place. Turns out it was AWESOME.

I was seriously considering just going home and crawling into bed but the second I opened the door, I saw ALL these familiar faces (and quite a few unfamiliar ones) and I just went around and did the WHOO girl thing, going "KRISTENNN! NAOMI!! ANDRIA!" and so on. I have never been so delighted to be greeted with that familar blast of warm party air and loud music. I ended up catching the tail end of the party, but it was still super fun. I love that people were like PLAY YOUR MUSIC! It makes me feel good when people like my music, even though my "party mix" includes songs like destiny's child - bootylicious and journey - don't stop believing.

I love this group of friends. I love all my friend groups. In the very end when people were leaving, some stayed behind and helped me clean :) There is a SHIT load of alcohol left on my table. Kristen is picking it up tomorrow for our January retreat. HAHA It had been my committee's idea to have a bakeoff, where each committee gets together and bakes something and then all committees get together and eat it. So I thought it was super cute that I looked in my living room and on my coffee table was ALL THESE DESSERTS. I have some leftover, but they are all crazy sweet and I do not plan on eating them.

People were like "eat that one, it's rich but delicious" and I was proud to say "THAT'S MY FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE'S WOOT" I realized yesterday that I LOVE my committee. I need to do more things with them next semester. They are THE nicest people EVER - all four of them. We made a brownie cheesecake. I am horrified to know what goes into making a cheesecake after last night.

Now my apartment looks pretty clean again. I need to wash towels and my bath mat tomorrow, and swiffer the floor, but other than that, it is wonderfully clean. Dare I say, possibly even cleaner than before the party.

This will make me sound religious, but I feel very blessed to have friends in Berkeley. I have my floormates from last year - small but very tight knit. I have my RCSA friends from this year, and I have my RCSA friends from last year and their friends that I later became friends with. There are so many awesome personalities that I may not have gotten to know.

I did not expect to go to sleep being so happy, but I am. :) Yay life

Reasons my apartment is crazy awesome for parties:
1) the living room is ridiculously huge
2) hard wood floors
3) large living space overall
4) cops don't come knocking because you can barely hear music outside the apartment
5) close to food if needed
6) SIZE again.

SO TIRED. And happy. Based on my life rule of "FUN ALL THE TIME WHEN ASKED," I guess I WILL watch the football game tomorrow with friends. Whoops, sorry finals. Another time.

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