Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Favorite Opening Credits

Finally took the time to go to Media Resources Center and get the dvds for Mad Men. I LOVE the Berkeley library. I hope by the time I graduate next winter, I will have watched everything I want to watch (Mad Men, The Sopranos, Big Love and Battlestar Galactica). I was planning to watch three episodes but I watched four. Pretty addicting! Plus it has pretty cool title credits

It would be cool to have a cd of this kind of music

It looks really boring but when you marathon the season, it's like a thirty-second crying break

After we had moved out, Chrystal said she could hear the distinctive "BA BA BA BA" sounds from a neighbor next to her apartment

Don't judge me.

Still pretty cool, ten years later

And all the Buffy openings, which I couldn't possibly aggregate

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