Thursday, August 21, 2008


In the last post I said I wanted to be as fit as an Olympic athlete. I think I can edit that to become more realistic now. I'd like to be fit enough to go to the zoo and NOT want to just lie down on the floor and sleep after walking around for three hours. HAHA

I love how my floormates and I all went to the zoo and about an hour before we left, we were basically going from bench to bench and sitting. When we finally left, we had to run to catch the muni, where we all fell asleep, except for Caroline. RIDICULOUS because she had woken up early to go running. Then we decided to just go back to our apartments and rest. But when I ask everyone what they're doing later, we're all like "I'm going to go to the gym" "I'm probably going to go running" and I myself was like "I think I'm going to go swimming."

I don't know how parents are able to freaking push their kids around AND take care of them AND not want to just crawl up and sleep. Goodness. It's hard enough walking myself around. Maybe I am way more unfit than I thought.


coonie said...

HAHA i was just thinking like.. yesterday how i don't understand how parents can work AND take care of their kids AND clean up the house. well i bet most of them hire maids and nannies or whatever.

yeah.. remember that olympic athletes train multiple hours a day. if you're an athlete from china, it's probably your life. HAHA. i like watching them, they make me feel like i should be doing more.

Anonymous said...


and heeere i was all thinking, "oh meltang > me. she is more sensible." GUESS I WAS TERRIBLY MISTAKEN!! hahaha eyah, zoos are quite...draining. and remember! you are not a kid who just goes crazy for animals. :]!!

i think it is cool that you said, "we just went back to OUR APARTMENTS." it sounded very adult. lol AND hey you said/went to go swimming, so you are goods. you do not need to set world recordsss. :P