Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I think ... my apartment is clean! I mean, there are some very minor things left to do, like throw out all the stuff that I left in the hallway, but other than that ... all done! It's not very much to celebrate though - in a week I'll have to clean again ... and then again for the next 48ish weeks after that as well.

So ... living with boys. So far only one of my apartmentmates has moved in, and my roommate just drops by every now and then. But I am much closer to my roommate and he always goes with me to Target when I need to shop for the apartment. Those stereotypical scenes where the guy doesn't care about little details and the girl thinks it's the most important decision in the world? Totally true

Me: Jon, we need to get bathroom rug. Which one do you like?
Jon: I don't know they all look fine
Me: Well this one is cute
Jon: Then get that one
Me: But I don't think it matches our bathroom. This one looks better
Jon: Then get that one
Me: But it's so expensive! And it's not mildew free. Should we get this one?
Jon: I don't care ... get whatever one you want
Me: NO! We have to decide together! Don't you care about how our bathroom looks?!
Jon: No...
Me: Fine. I'm getting this one
Jon: WOW LOOK this bath rug is a monkey! Let's get this one!
Me: No.

I moved in first and I found the apartment and I'm the link between the two, so I kind of decide everything for the apartment which is pretty nice. It makes me think that I should probably live alone when I graduate, even though I think it'll be lonely, because I just want things done MY WAY. When Steven brought his stuff, he threw most of it into his room, which I was fine with. But then he brought out his kitchenware and I was totally like "I'll take care of this Steven" because I didn't want him placing stuff in random areas. It was very much like this scene in How I Met Your Mother where Ted is about to move in with Robin and she wants to put all of his stuff in the basement.

Also, my daily fat rant. OMG. I can't believe I have eaten the way I have for the past month and rarely exercised. Once Caroline came to Berkeley and mentioned how she goes for morning runs I was like WHAT HAVE I BEEN DOING?! I have very little motivation to gym lately. AHH I have to get back to my old fitness mind! I want to be fit ... like an Olympic athlete! Unlikely I know. But I need to work out my fitness regimen. Which will start TOMORROW! But I'm going to the zoo tomorrow so I probably won't go to the gym. Maybe I should swim at night though... I wait all summer long to swim and when they finally have open hours that fit my schedule, I NEVER GO. ARGH!

SF Zoo should be fun tomorrow. I somehow got 8 people to go ... so yay!

I'm very concerned with maintaining houses now. I went to Caroline's place which is a very nice duplex and met her dad, who is the hugest clean freak ever. I wish I could spend a day with him and he can impart all of his cleaning wisdom on me. Apparently he even lifted up the stove and moved the fridge and made Caroline clean the vent and the floor underneath. INSANE. And he pointed out all the things that next-door houses has neglected to take care of. Which made me think about all the things I should do, maybe not for this place which is already quite old, but for my future home.

RAH! I borrowed a book from the library and I didn't realize it's due on FRIDAY. Which means I have to read it by Friday, 4:00! Boo. It looks like an interesting book too - I already know I won't finish, I'll get through half and have to return it. Then I will not be able to get it for a few weeks and by then I won't want to read it anymore. :(

But I am proud that I read ONE book this summer. My goal had been to read lots. I suppose lots can be defined as one and a fraction of a book!

Now I have to walk back to the living room so I can get wireless connection and submit this post. LAME. Wireless routers need to be made more powerful.

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