Sunday, August 10, 2008

College education - not very valued

When I went to my "internship" a few days ago, one of the things the people kept saying was how fun it is to be an auditor, especially because you're working in a team of smart people. And several people emphasized "the people here are actually SMART." Sounds familiar to me. I remember before college started, there was that whole "you're going to school with people who are SMART" and the idea of college being an exchange of ideas. I'm not a genius and I know very little about the world or current events ... but I've been fairly disappointed with the other people at my school.

If anything, the people at AHS worked way harder and seem more capable than the people at this school. I'm saying in general - I've been on several projects where I was like "oh damn ... I'll get out of your way, just tell me what to do." But right now I'm more like "WTF WHY DID I JUST WASTE TWO HOURS OF MY LIFE."

On Friday, we set a meeting for Saturday and I'm fairly certain I specifically said "have your parts written out and then we can go over them and edit." I got all panicky because I thought I hadn't done enough, but it turns out that only one other person actually took the time to DO THE FUCKING ASSIGNMENT. The past two hours was just me going "ummm... do you want to share your part?" and then people just asking each other about little details that don't even matter and just silently typing up their part. Which, again THEY SHOULD HAVE DONE LAST NIGHT.

Now, twenty minutes before our meeting is set to end, we're actually doing things. -_-

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