Monday, March 16, 2009

RSF is dumb

The school gym, RSF, has instated a new policy where you HAVE to sign your name on a piece of paper in order to use the cardio machines. Well, the policy has always been there, but since the sign-up sheets were off to the corner, the policy was easily ignored. But last week, they moved the table right to the center of the walkway and at various points, there will be an automated message broadcasted across the intercom reminding everyone in the gym of this new policy.

Well, I don't like it. Putting the table there doesn't make me want to sign-up more. It's just something else that's in my way that I might bump into after a tiring workout. I still don't bother to sign up - I just feel a lot more guilty each time I pass the table. I shouldn't have to feel guilt in a gym! How will you know which machine to sign up for unless you actually GET to the machine and see the number? And by the time you get to the machine, who is going to WALK BACK to the sign-up table just to claim a machine that they were RIGHT NEXT TO? I go to the gym to exercise on machines that count the calories I have burned and the duration of time I have been working out. All the extra walking back and forth from the sign-up table is undocumented exercise!

So now, every time I walk by the table I think to myself "should I sign up? I don't know --- ahhhhlegsmovingcan'tstop oh I passed the table."

AHHH I don't know how I am suddenly so behind in my study schedule! I kept thinking "oh it's ok this is ok plenty of time to study" and then suddenly last night I was like "WTF I HAVE NO TIME TO DO EVERYTHING I NEED TO DO!"


Anonymous said...

lol. that policy is ridiculous.

A9SecondSleeper said...

lol i hate gymming when its busy. I normally just hop onto an empty machine and I have to worry the entire time if an rsf dude is gonna grab me and yank me off. GUILTTTT