Monday, March 9, 2009

Grad students!

Angelica: I want to set Mel up with ______
Ryan: How are you going to get them to meet up?
Angelica: I don't know
Ryan: You could invite her to the engagement party
Angelica: Yeah!

Why I think that convo is weird: that I could be potentially set up on a date with a 28 year old, and that they thought the best way for me to meet this guy was through an engagement party. It makes me feel much older than I actually am.

I really like every person I've ever met through Ryan and Angelica. Maybe it is because I am predisposed to liking older people. And because all of their friends are freaking smart, speak incredibly well and are very knowledgable about the world. Today I ate dinner with them and some people they knew, including one married 23-year old and another guy who is 30, engaged and has been with his fiancee for TWELVE years. I did not tell mention that the year he graduated college, I was in middle school.

It was very cool to just sit at a table of like nine people and everyone had a giant glass of beer. Except me of course. Angelica had a pomegranate cider that I liked and would order again. The food at Triple Rock Brewery was really freaking good. I want to go here when I'm 21! Or when I'm using Tiffany's ID that has a picture of an Asian girl that people have said looks EXACTLY like me.

In my college years, I go out a lot but I don't party very much. I don't particularly enjoy parties so I tell myself that I'm not missing out on very much. But when I hang out with Ryan and Angelica I always feel like I'm not living out my full college potential. They and the people they know have done SO many things and they always have TONS of stories and it makes me feel like my life is so boring. :( They make me really want to go to grad school. Med school and grad school seem so cool.


Just because this happened in the same day:

HAHA So after eating dinner, Ryan, Angelica and I drove down to Ici. I had called to check flavors and Angelica wanted to eat candied kumquat. I ended up getting honey lavender and it was pretty good. I probably would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't been eating Reese's Pieces all day. Ryan ordered first and was paying for us (SO NICE) when the server finished scooping the first cone and handed it to me. I assumed it was mine so I was JUST taking my first lick when Ryan was like "is that mine?" I felt very mortified. Luckily, Ryan is not the type of guy who cares. ^_^ The server must have thought I was an idiot though. She was all like "do you want me to get you another cone since she licked yours?" WELL WHY DID YOU HAND IT TO ME, BIZNATCH.


A9SecondSleeper said...

this weekend is party time (Saint Patrick's Day) Do you want to party down? My friend is having a huge block party, and my roommate is also throwing some kind of after party

meltang said...

HAHAHA sure. Are you feeling pity for me because I do not party :D

Anonymous said...

YEAH WHAT THE HELL!! if someone hands you the cone, you think OH THIS MUST BE MINE? i am >[!! haha your stories are funny...and the 12 year fiancee thing just reminds me of marshall and lily, two fictional television characters.

FL said...

aw mel tang i love you.

and your life sounds fun. you should go for it! haha.

Anonymous said...

hmmm 8 year age difference...iono melly LOL

coonie said...

wow danny is so practical. HAHA. the server is dumb. i hope you glared at her with your laser beams. wow, 23 is a really young age to be married.. how scary kind of.

tinggg said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA YOU ATE RYAN'S ICE CREAM HAHAHAHAHA oh that was a funny image. glad to hear that those two are doing well =) see you tomorrow!