Sunday, March 29, 2009

Mt. Diablo

I just came back from hiking for about five hours straight. I am half proud that I managed to keep the same pace as three super fit guys and half sad that at the moment, I wasn't thin enough to wear some cute semi-slutty tank top. We went to Mount Diablo and it had some of the nicest views I've seen during a hike. Really open space and you could see far out to the Bay and other directions. Whenever I see a huge expanse of grassy land, for some reason, my mind immediately pictures a bunch of dinosaurs roaming around. I think it's because I watched Jurassic Park as a kid and the image of CGI-dinosaurs walking around stuck in my head. It's nice to look at a piece of land that has no evidence of human civilization and wonder what the world would be like without us. I guess my mind immediately connects "pristine nature" to "dinosaur herd."

I am a little pissed at myself for eating Taco Bell right after though. This HAD been a very good start to my new diet. Except for you, Grande Quesadilla and Fresco Taco! I am glad I went home a day earlier than usual, because I got to actually go out with friends today instead of killing my day at the airport. And this kind of sets the standard for EXTREME EXERCISE. But still, I probably should have held out and just gone home to eat an apple or something. I AM A FAILURE.

Oh my gosh, this is such an amazing trailer. I do not remember the book at all, but I love this trailer. What a good use of an Arcade Fire song. I love it when I'm in some store/restaurant and they play Arcade Fire. They are well-known enough that it happens from time to time, and the instrumentals are best heard on loud speakers. I remember one of the reasons I LOVED triple rock brewery so much was because they played Black Mirror and I was like INSTANT LOVE!

I went hiking with Kristen and three of her guy friends. The guy friends have taken rock climbing lessons and two of them are members of a climbing gym and they go like 3-4 times a week. THEY ARE INSANE! I guess Mt. Diablo has especially good rocks for climbing - there was a place we went to called Rock City with giant rocks. And they just take their time and figure out different ways to scale up a rock. Without any ropes. And once they figure out one way, they'll go back and look for another, more difficult way! I was really impressed. There are all these different names for different rock holds, like a "jug" would be the safest, because it's like putting your hand around a jug handle. When most people pass rocks on a hike, they probably think "ok, big rock." But THESE GUYS think "ok, how would I climb up this" and then THEY ACTUALLY DO IT. Oh my gosh. I would like to see the world through their rock climbing eyes.

Ok. I have a massive headache - not sure if it is related to being outdoors for so long. I should do homework/clean but I would rather lie down.

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