Thursday, January 29, 2009

I should not have washed my hair

On Chinese New Year's a few days ago, I was about to go to bed after taking a shower, and my roommate was like "you washed your hair?! I thought you weren't supposed to." I went, "WHAT?!?!" and he said "actually, I don't know. But I washed my hair too, so whatever." I kind of like to be superstitious. I wouldn't say I AM superstitious, but I think it's fun to be from time to time even if you don't fully believe it.

Well, I totally think I have bad luck this new year. Which sucks because I am not even all that Chinese.

I lost my freaking ID card today. I am pretty sure I lost it while doing sit ups, because I was moving my jacket around and it probably fell out. DAMN YOU, SIT UPS!!! I realized this because I was planning to go to Ici and get DARJEELING ICE CREAM! But as I was preparing my pockets with keys, id card, and money, I realized my id card was nowhere to be found. ARGH! First, I have waited MONTHS for Ici to have Darjeeling ice cream again. It is by far my most favorite flavor of all time, and I am willing to bet it can be found nowhere else, except for those rare occasions at Ici. I have programmed Ici's number into my cell phone and I call it from time to time and listen to the flavors. TODAY WAS THE DAY! But I have failed.

Second, my id card is crucial for A LOT of things AND it's very expensive to replace. I have to pay $25 plus the fee for a new bus pass, which is like $50 I think. Paulo said I should just wait and see if someone will return the id card to me, but I don't think I can go for several days without gymming, especially when I feel this fat. HOW WILL I GO GROCERY SHOPPING?! Oh god, I only have two apples left.

I'm particularly annoyed at myself because every day, as I'm walking back from the gym, I stick my hands into my pockets and make sure I have everything: id card, keys in left pocket and eye drops, ipod in right pocket. I don't think I did that today, of all days. GOOD FUCKING GOING, SELF.

This does not qualify as bad luck, but since I am complaining, I have been doing very poorly gym-wise. I still go everyday at 8am, but I kind of just do the elliptical half-assedly. I am at the "I'll always be fat no matter what" stage. Winter break really killed me. I gained my stomach bulge back, when I had been planning to get AWESOME ABS by the end of break. How disappointing.

I feel a lot of conflicting emotions this semester. Sometimes I feel very lonely, but other times I am extremely happy because I am hanging out with friends or making an effort to make new friends. Sometimes I feel very productive, but then other times I feel like I have wasted so many hours of my life playing tetris. And sometimes I'm like "I shouldn't worry about internships so much," and other times I'm like "OH GOD I'm going to graduate and live at home. Without a job. I'm going to be a failure!" I am really stressed out all the time and I can tell because pimples are starting to form in unfortunate places and I have yet to have a full night of sleep since coming back to Berkeley. I have only three goals this semester:

1) Get an internship
2) Do not die in freak accident before internship begins
3) Make new friends

I am very sad about my ID card. $75 could have been used for a pair of boots that I saw last week in SF.


Anonymous said...

i feel your pain
today was a fucking horrible day for me too:
1. i woke up with my right eye swollen to the point where it was like a was squinting, except i was trying to open my eye as big as possible. i went to student health in the afternoon after classes and paid like $62 for visit and meds. the antibiotic eyedrops are AMAZING, 1 drop and 5 minutes later the swelling went down and the pain lessened
2. i fucked up wushu demo today. first, i started my form and messed up like 1 move into it and then restarted. then, i went like 1/4 into my form, brain farted in front of like 50 ppl, quickly finished with whatever i could think of at the time, and like ran off. it was disgusting

but yea, good point of today was pinkberry and even though pinkberry is awesome, today was still fucking horrible

A9SecondSleeper said...

ask the people at the front of the rsf or at the locker room. they have STACKS of id's that people lose

meltang said...

danny, you wrote so much! I think you should start a blog. HAHA

I DID go to the rsf! Twice! :(:( Who would take my id card?! I don't know how long I should wait before I put down the money for a new one :(