Saturday, January 24, 2009

A box of donuts

Several people have probably heard me crave a box of donuts. Not just donuts, but specifically, I have been longing to go to a donut store and pick out a dozen donuts. I don't know how it got into my head, but one day before winter break, I just suddenly remembered how much I enjoyed waking up on Saturday mornings and going to the donut store with my dad. Of course, he would always let me choose whatever donuts I wanted. I would always choose the ones I liked first, and then he would choose the chocolate ones for my brother (after making sure that I agreed with his choices), and then he would choose some neutral donuts that everyone could enjoy.

My favorite donut now is probably a long twisty one with chocolate glazing on it. But when I was young, I would always choose one of those cake donuts with white frosting and sprinkles. And then I would choose a twisty one with sugar on top. Now, I hate cake donuts because I think they are too heavy. I am making myself very hungry just writing this blog.

Well, now there is no reason for me to buy a box of donuts. I have worked very hard to avoid even eating a single donut for the past few years. It was a particularly difficult feat when Crossroads served free, unlimited donuts from King Pin. But over break, I realized that what I want isn't just a donut - it's the freedom to choose TWELVE! donuts. I kind of want that feeling of choosing things that people will enjoy, and ideally, people would say to me "you have excellent donut selection" afterwards. That is why I wanted to buy a box of donuts.

But the opportunity to buy donuts never arose during winter break. Which is a shame, because I really wanted to try Lucky Donuts and Peacock Donuts again. I didn't want some fancy donut that would be overglazed and pumped with preservatives. I just wanted cheap, normal donuts.

Well, I will be buying a box of donuts in a week! How exciting. It will be SUPERBOWL SUNDAY!!! And I am extremely excited for it. I was like "OMG CAN I BRING DONUTS" and Caroline might make her delicious homemade pizza. This is combining two things I wanted to do: buy a box of donuts and have a Superbowl Party! I have wanted to attend/host a Superbowl Party for many years. But TMV is not a very sporty group. I always kind of wished that I would date someone who was into sports and would share all their sports knowledge with me. And I would throw annual Superbowl parties complete with alcohol and chips and dip and pigs in a blanket and delicious finger foods. Yum...


A9SecondSleeper said...

HAY i'm sporty! But i'm impressed donuts define how you liveee

Anonymous said...

Many things define how I live! Homework ... gymming ... cookies ... pies ... fruit tarts ... pesto calzones ... mmmmmmmm

Anonymous said...

anonymous is you. how come you can't comment on your own blog. lol

anyway, yes parties with yummy foods sound great. now we just need to up the sports playing and sports watching...:\ if only we cared!!!

FL said...

what about ice cream

Kim Possible said...

i want a donut

Anonymous said...

i just spent like 2 hours today playing tetris on that site that you play on -_-

i have a lab report due at 8am too

meltang said...

my gosh so many comments on a blog about donuts. HAHA i just played tetris for like three hours. but it was while watching tv, so it is not as bad. or it might be worse.

Anonymous said...

worse probably
and you probably did better at tetris that i did
i suck :( i used to play a lot as a child because it was the only game i had on gameboy but now i suck