Sunday, June 7, 2009

First week summer 09

Even though I've updated for mostly every day of my first week, I still find it necessary to do a summary of the week. Right now, I'm SUPER full after dinner with Alvin and Jackie. So full in fact, that I think I will continue blogging after I use the restroom...

Ok. Took a shower, brushed my teeth. So I guess around Wednesday I was like "OMG how is it only Wednesday?!" I felt like I had been working for weeks. Every day just sucks the life out of me. Summers always make me cherish being a student. Especially after Li-Ting's comment yesterday,

Li-Ting: I have vacation soon! YAY!
Laura: How long is your vacation?
Li-Ting: Two days! (with real enthusiasm)
Laura: oh god *moan*

I fear the days when 3 day weekends become the light at the end of the tunnel.

Anyhoo, this weekend was great! Such a welcome weekend of fun. Ideally, this is what the REST OF MY LIFE will be like - work work work FUN, repeat. But realistically, I think that FUN eventually becomes ERRANDS, so it's work work work ERRANDS with fun every few weeks (or dear god, months). I ended up doing really well diet wise and exercise wise during the week. Exercised twice a day, so now when people (that is, LAURA) introduce me with "SHE EXERCISES TWICE A DAY!" it's not a lie. BECAUSE I REALLY DID NOT EXERCISE TWICE A DAY. THAT WAS LIKE SOPHOMORE YEAR and maybe a couple of times junior year!

But then during the weekend, my exercise AND diet totally went out the window. We had Li-Ting's birthday celebration. I REALLY ENJOYED IT! We were basically touring the south bay. It felt nice to drive for so long. I was really relieved when we got a little lost, because then I could nap longer. I wish we had had been able to shop at the Great Mall, but if we had shopped, we couldn't have done other fun things.

So we went to D&B for lunch and arcade games. I cannot believe there is only ONE D&B in the bay area. I thought they were everywhere! How can there be a D&B in ARCADIA but none in SF?! That is too odd. I ate way too much at D&B - a huge chicken pesto pasta. My "eat only half of any dish you buy" was forgotten because I was so excited to eat pasta. Then we played games. I surprisingly made a couple baskets while playing basketball. I remember as a kid I loved basketball. I hope one day I can play with Li-Ting, Laura, Janie, and Soo-Jin. I don't remember who is the groper. I have the feeling it is Laura, but it could be both Laura and Soo-Jin.

We won Li-Ting a cute polar bear. At first I was really amazed that we got 800+ tickets, because you could get a lot of fairly good prizes with 800+ tickets. Then I realized that the polar bear essentially cost us $40. HAHA But totally worth it! The bear has memories attached to it now.

I think people watching in D&B is a little scary. I get freaked out by the intense dead stare people have when they are playing games and gambling with their money. It's too much like Vegas.

After that, we drove on to karaoke in Cupertino. I actually sang A LOT! Only because Laura joined us which was exciting. I'm pretty sure the karaoke place used to be an office. I think Cupertino is aesthetically better than Arcadia. The businesses in Arcadia seems a little more ghetto while Cupertino businesses look like Irvine. I also think the houses are more toned down, whereas there are more large but ugly mansion in Arcadia. The karaoke place had a lot of really new songs. They even had Sam Sparro - Black and Gold, and MGMT - Kids (which seems like it would be an unfun song to sing karaoke to). My favorite ever was singing Love Story with Laura because she would give me CRAZY EYES whenever we sang "BABY JUST SAY YES" and I would always burst out laughing.

Then we drove to get sushi at one of those places where sushi floats on a boat. I was still full from D&B and the delicious fruit tart so I didn't get too much... then drove back to Li-Ting's place. I love her place. It feels very bachelorette pad like. Li-Ting, Angel, and Tiffany seem very mature (actually, that is hilarious because Li-Ting and Angel are both very child-like sometimes). But they all work and seem very independent and knowledgable about a lot of things. I hope one day people will think of me in the same light.

LOL MY APTMATE JUST CALLED HIS MOM AND SAID "hey mommy" I struggled not to burst out laughing. I hope he doesn't glance at this while walking past me.

Anyway, so we sat there a little bit and Laura and I went to eat more of the fruit tart. While cutting it, Laura was like "wait where is everyone?" and I said "well Tiffany's sleeping, Angel went to her room, and Li-Ting just went to her room" and Laura replied "... so we're just in their house?" HAHA We were. We were just in their house, eating their dessert. HAHA So we left after we had our fill of delicious tart.

I really hope I find a reason to celebrate soon, because I want to eat a fruit tart either from Andronicos or from Shing Keee Bakery. Mmmm... NEED TO ACCOMPLISH SOMETHING!

Laura came back to Berkeley with me! Oh god, this entry is so xanga-like, I don't like it. These are not the kind of entries that get comments. Oh well. My roommate is gone so I just slept on his bed and Laura slept on mine. We were like "this is how it must feel to be each other's roommates!" Laura also said to me on the Bart "even though we haven't known each other so long, I feel like..." and then I interjected with "THAT I'M LIKE YOUR BEST FRIEND?" and she said "... yeah kind of" and I was like AWWWW.

I woke up and planned to gym but I was like, eh, I'm going to look for books to borrow from the library tomorrow. Laura looked at my list after she woke up and laughed at them. :( We ate at Cafe Durant then spent several hours watching celebrity interviews on tonight shows, which was fun. My FAVORITE was one I showed her, of Kellie Pickler on Ellen.

Then we rode the bus to Ici, stood in line, THEN DECIDED NOT TO GET ANY. So we walked home and I ate an apple and Laura ate some of my Fenton's ice cream. What a ridiculous trip. I kept thinking - I really want ice cream ... BUT I'M ON A DIET! ... but mmm ice cream and Laura's here ... BUT I'M ON A DIET!

Then she went home CRIES. I hope I see her next weekend. If I don't, I won't see her for AT LEAST A MONTH while she's in Europe with Soo Jin! I said to her, "do you think if I had been a year older, and if I had gotten a job, and I had known you guys, we would have gone to Europe together?" and Laura was like "yeah, but that's a lot of Ifs" :( They bought their tickets a couple of days ago. I realized that I had been hoping that they would be too lazy to buy their tickets and decide "hey! Hanging out with meltang all summer is pretty comparable to traveling through Europe for a month!" But I guess my dream is shattered.

Then I randomly took a nap. I didn't expect to but suddenly I just found myself face down on my bed. Then Jackie and I went to Alvin's to eat dinner together! Jackie had made this delicious almond pudding SO GOOD I MUST BUY THE POWDER! And Alvin had made curry and a really delicious Chinese dish. We ate in his room, then ate dessert (the pudding and freshly blended watermelon juice) on his back porch. SO CUTE I LOVE IT! :) Then we drove to Jackie's new apt which I REALLY LIKE! I would have loved to live in a place like that, except I don't know who I would have roomed with.

Eating dinner with them makes me feel like I should totally start cooking and make incredible dishes. I always get in those "YEAH I CAN COOK! I JUST NEED TO TRY!" modes when I eat at Alvin's, but then the next day I just stick a piece of salmon in the toaster oven. Then we also talked a little about what we want to do after graduation, which made me think "YEAH I SHOULD GO TO GRAD SCHOOL! LEARN TONS! GET A MASTERS!" but that feeling dies down after an hour of class.

Then Jackie drove us home. I think this weekend was super cute. Hung out with my good friends! I hope all summer weekends are the same, because if they are, then I will gladly have terribly exhausting weekdays. I'm so tired. Sorry for the boring entry

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