Thursday, June 25, 2009


I keep trying to write about Felicity, which I just recently got re-obsessed about, but I never like what I say. Maybe there is nothing particularly intelligent for me to say about it, other than, it's SUCH A GOOD SHOW! At least the first season is - I don't remember anything from the later seasons. I love it when I rewatch a show from childhood, and I remember scenes right before they happen. They're like hidden memories.

I wish they still made tv shows like old WB dramas. People were a little fatter then. Well, not the main stars, but at least the supporting characters and extras were more normal sized. And maybe they hadn't perfected back lighting and they certainly didn't have HD cameras back then, but I like the feel of old television. It's less bright and more realistic. I think that the ability to capture film so vividly has influenced script writing. Everything is just so much more exaggerated now. Like, I can't imagine that Ugly Betty or Gossip Girl would have succeeded as much if they hadn't been able to show how sparkling the sets were.

I wonder what I would eat if there were no Gypsys. Any time I am given a choice of where to eat in Berkeley, I find myself chowing down on a chicken pesto calzone. I tell myself that after senior year, I will rarely have the chance to eat the calzone, so every time I go, it's like a treat. Going out to eat in Berkeley is really just deciding between calzone and House of Curries' palak paneer.

This week went by surprisingly fast. I really liked having a room to myself for the first few weeks of summer. But now that Paulo has moved in, I feel like I'm living with a friend again, so I don't feel like I have to go out as often to stay happy. In fact, I barely have any time for myself - I haven't learned as much Excel as I wanted to, and I just want to sit and watch Felicity all day. Freaking summer school hasn't even started yet and my days are already packed. I don't know how I should alter my schedule after school starts.

I really like this Gym Twice a day routine I have going on. But summer school starts at 8am, and if I were to go running, I'd have to wake up at 6:00. I don't think the track is even open that early, so that is already out. Ugh! I really like running on Edwards track! People are rarely ever there and when it's not sunny, it is a nice place to run. I will figure out my summer schedule part 2 later - now is Felicity!

Gosh, Javier is so hilarious. I was like ... eight when I watched this show and I doubt I had really seen any gay characters on tv. So he was probably one of the first gay male characters I have ever seen. What a cutie

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