Monday, July 28, 2008

What a crazy ad

I spent the last hour trying to write a blog entry that was more thoughtful but I didn't like it very much so I just deleted it. Totally ate up my nap time, so now I know I will fall asleep in discussion, which is ten minutes from now. But I still feel like posting so this is what I've wanted to say for like a week now.

I don't remember how I ended up watching this ad on youtube, but when I saw it I was IMPRESSED. Whatever marketing team made this ad, omg. If more tv ads were like this, I think my head might explode.

There's just CRAZY cross promotion going on. It's a little reminder that Disney owns EVERYTHING (ABC and teen stars). The ad has the obligatory fast montage, limited dialogue, stroke-inducing strobe lights, crazy dancing, shots of people in pain and suffering, all shown under a catchy pop song by VANESSA HUDGENS. I don't watch the show so I'm always surprised when it ends up at the top of the ratings, but damn. You have a teen star that gets the 0-18 demographic interested in a show that's already successful with the 18-geriatric demographic.

And now I have to go off to class. Yes, this is what I think about in my free time.

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