Friday, July 11, 2008

Peaceful awakenings

I think yesterday was the fifth time I was woken up from my sleep sometime between the hours of 2-5am to the sounds of drunken Irish boys singing Oasis - Wonderwall. It's really weird because I never wake up during the song, but about 30 seconds RIGHT BEFORE they start. It's like my body knows it's about to hear a free concert. I'd be much more annoyed but they actually sing it very well and it sounds kind of nice considering they're drunk. It's definitely a lot nicer than what Americans would sing, which would be yelling out the latest hit on the radio, probably a profane hip hop song.

Usually they stop after one song (and there have probably been tons of times when I just didn't wake up) but yesterday they started singing Champagne Supernova (a shorter version) and I started getting worried that they'd rehash all of their greatest hits. It's nice but ... I was still sleepy. Luckily someone who was also sleeping got up and really loudly slammed a door or window and it got a lot quieter. I really thought they were just outside on the floor but I guess they were actually outside.

I talked to someone else yesterday! He is from the frat. I used to really want to make friends with international students, and while I would still like to, it's probably more "useful" to meet someone who I'd still see after the summer is over. I realized either my facebook search skills are diminishing or facebook is getting a lot more privatized. I've met a lot of people in my classes and here but it's SUPER HARD to find them without their last name. Whereas before, you could probably get it with the first name and some random knowledge about them. And when I THINK I found them, I can't even click on their name because they've privatized it. Maybe I should do the same. I'm actually getting super paranoid about what I write/post online, considering internship season is going to ramp up. I think an interesting job would be searching for all those potentials on the internet.

I must go out to eat now before 8:00 strikes and the cafeteria is filled with high school students doing some sort of leadership program on Berkeley. Goodness, I wish I could tell them "stop trying so hard!" but I guess it got even more difficult to get into college. Also, ARGH it looks like that month of non-gymming and the week of splurging on food finally caught up. I AM UN THIN AGAIN. I guess I'll exercise later tonight

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