Friday, July 18, 2008

Note to self: DRESS UP

I think my brain has not been working lately because I'm so used to just going to work and doing the set tasks or going to class and just listening. Yesterday I walked halfway to the pool before I realized that I forgot my swim cap and goggles, so instead of exercising I ate dinner with Alvin. Today I was supposed to go to a career conference to learn how to get a job and be successful but when I got there almost everyone was in business casual wear and I was like ... holy fuck. They had people coming from big firms and I was sitting at the PWC table debating whether or not to make a break for it. I totally did because there is NO WAY I'm going to be sitting in my tshirt and jeans in front of an actual employer.

The good thing is that I signed in, and they gave us leather binders! Which has been on my "to buy" list for a really long time. And there's a program inside, so I think I'll sit here and watch some tv before PUTTING ON A DRESS SHIRT and going to lunch, which is the main part of the program anyway.

Lessons learned:
- Wear nicer shirts to any Haas sponsored event
- Abs & Back class really works because two days later, parts of my body still hurt

And, YAY! I think I'm actually satisfied with my stomach now. Stage 1 is complete! Which is, no longer squeezing my stomach going "WHYYYY!" Stage 2 is getting toned! Which is ... very difficult. But if Helen Mirren can do it at age 63, I would like to think that I can too.

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