Friday, May 2, 2008

Wow the time

Omg... it's 2am. nothing good happens after 2 am. HAHA jk that's a how i met your mother reference. anyway ... I was supposed to go to sleep at 12 today. I have to get up and teach children tomorrow at 8am! I went to take a shower at 11:30 which means i was probably done around 11:45. And then I decided to knock on Paulo's door and tell him about a SUPER AWKWARD MOMENT that happened in the bathroom HAHA and then ALL OF A SUDDEN it's like freaking 2 am.

Eric came in a little after I did and the three of us just talked for ... a longggg longg time. Then we moved places and loud whispered in the hallway and at the very end I talked to Paulo for like 2 minutes in my room. 2 hours of pure talking. LOVE IT. I learn a lot from them. Paulo is like ... one of the most stereotypical guys I know. If you look at most of my male friends, a lot of them aren't like that stereotypical guy you would imagine. Not that that's a bad thing - I'm sure I'm friends with them usually because they aren't what I view as a stereotypical guy. Ok, so this is the conversation I had with Eric and Paulo, which I view to be stereotypical guy:

Ok, actually I typed out a portion of the conversation and realized that most of my friends who read this blog would not appreciate it. Plus I figure we're all going down to SoCal one day, and when we do, I don't want my friends to be like "oh ... you're that guy who said ... that ..." so HAHA I'll just remember it in my head.

The end of this semester is REALLY weird. I've said this so many times. I'm in one of those weird mood phases. I really just want school to end because I don't want to do any work anymore. Every day I have to consider what classes I absolutely have to go to. But I don't ever want the year to end because then we'll never have these study lounges again, where we go in and knowingly sit on a freaking dirty couch. Or we plug in our laptops and pretend to work but really, we end up just talking to each other. And then people get up and write chinese all over the chalkboard. And I'll miss just walking to the bathroom, opening the door, and then ending up in a long conversation over the sinks. Or just walking past Jon/Paulo/Joe's room and going in whenever I want. Or those very few times we went to the gym together. Or being able to whisper in a hallway. Or even waiting for the elevator together to go eat dinner. Or being like "dude I'm hungry and it's 1am ... WHO WANTS LATE NIGHT?"

And I also haven't gymmed in three days and I am really fat and I just realized that I have banquet on SATURDAY where I have to wear a dress which means MAJOR DIETING TOMOROW. Ok, I already know that won't work. But I also have to do my presentation for IEOR on Tuesday, which means dress pants and a dress shirt and I look SUPER FAT in the dress pants because they give me a muffintop, even though they make my legs look fantastic. I need a new pair of dress pants, I think. But even though I know I don't gym, I eat TONS now. Tons of really bad things. Mainly peanut butter and candy. So baddddddd

This is like senior year, when you're rushing to do everything you want before you leave for college. Only, senior year was dragged out over an entire year with set friends, whereas this was four months of meeting friends and feeling like you've known them forever. While talking to Eric and Paulo, we were kind of going over how we met each other. And then I realized that back in February, when I had gone to look at a house with a bunch of people, Eric had tagged along and at the time, I was like "who is this guy?" And that was literally like 2.5 months ago. And now he's like one of my closest Berkeley friends, who I make fun of nonstop. Pretty insane.

Ok. Super late. I don't know how I will sleep when my rem cycle is off and my brain is jumping from all this socializing/blogging. Tomorrow will probably be a painful day. :)

Things that made me happy in the convo:
- paulo and eric saying i'm trustworthy
- paulo and eric saying i'm like the center of the group (only because I usually plan HAHA doesn't this sound familiar?)
- "i'm going to say 'give me ten minutes and i think i can please you'" "umm ... you can rephrase that later"
- "CAROLINE! what's the most lesbian thing you've ever done?" "... yeah ... i'm going to go now ... night guys"
- "paulo i think you've gone further with a guy than i have"
- realizing that Paulo knows SO MUCH about how to get girls. seirously, he could write The Game
- "i haven't had a gf in two years!" "YEAH well try nineteen!"
- "DUDE the most awkward thing just happened" *blah blah blah* "OMG THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I JUST SAID TO PAULO! I HAD THAT EXACT AWKWARD MOMENT"
- "WAIT WTF THAT'S CREEPY! YOU'RE SO CREEPY! oh wait. sorry. is that mean? ok. never mind."

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