Friday, May 9, 2008


Me: So you know how I made that complicated doodle and sent out e-mails to everyone to figure out which day we could go to the zoo?
Caroline: Yeah
Me: Well I realized ... we could just go on Sunday ... because finals aren't scheduled on Sundays
Caroline: Oh yeah huh
Me: I guess next Sunday will be your fake birthday then
Caroline: You know, that's the day of Eric's real birthday. We were just discussing this and someone was like "hey you know Eric's birthday is coming up soon?"
Me: Seriously? Maybe we should celebrate his real birthday then, before we start making up birthdays.

I woke up at 8, put on my gym clothes, realized I couldn't find my shoes, took off my running shoes, studied econ from 9-10:30, found my shoes in Caroline's room from yesterday's How I Met Your Mother viewing, went to work from 11-4:30, went straight to class, went straight to meet up with my hopefully future landlord who is a lot better looking than I had envisoned, went straight to my RCSA meeting, came home, knocked on Caroline's door, and proceeded to watch about 3 hours of tv. Then, showered, read some more economics, and am now sitting here.

What a productive day.

Things I really need to do but keep putting off:
- Figure out where I'm going to store my stuff for the summer and what I'm going to take home
- Prepare for my interview (EEK! I will blog about this if I get it. If I don't, I'll pretend like it never happened)
- Really actually start working out by running and swimming and getting super thin before Angelica's graduation where I have to wear a dress
- Decide whether I want to lie to my landlord and say I'm living with one person when I'm really living with two, which may result in a huge fine if caught. If not caught, will save $275 per month
- Finalize plans with floor to come to SoCal
- Blow off some steam (as if I work hard at all) by going shopping or browsing Rasputin
- Decide whether or not I'm going to make pillows for my floor (at this point, it'll probably take me the rest of my college years to make six)

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