Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Excerpt of May 7th

Eric: My crotch hurts
Me: WHAT? Does that really happen to guys?
Eric and Hao: YEAH!
Jon: Wait what? So it's like you're walking along the street and then you go "ow"?

Eric: I'm getting hard
Christine (leaning in and peering at his crotch): No you're not
Eric: WOW THANKS are you trying to say it's so small you can't see it?

Which led to a night calling Eric "BABY PENIS"

There were a lot of quotes but as always, they've kind of floated out of my head. All I know is that I ended class today at 6:30, went to Room 306, and it's now 1am and I never left the building and the only time I went to my room was to heat a burrito and drink water a few times.

Random plans we came up with:
- Drive down to SoCal after finals and also before real school begins
- Roy's Restaurant on my birthday
- SF Zoo on Caroline's fake birthday (since her real one is during the summer and none of us will see her since she'll be in Europe, I said we should have a fake bday party)
- Floor party with money we got from winning an iPod shuffle ... we have planned $56 worth of $5 Little Caesar's pizzas
- Strip club for Paulo's birthday, or even earlier
- "Let's go to a strip club!" "You know what, I would actually go" "OMG LET'S GO TO A GAY CLUB" "OMG YEAH THAT WOULD BE GENIUS" ... so we have a Castro Valley gay club added to the list
- Since I realized the roommate I share a sublet with this summer will not come until July, SLEEPOVERS IN MY SUMMER FRAT ROOM!

Also, things I've thought of
- Picnic at Tilden's with delicious sandwiches
- I really want to make pillows for everyone but I don't know where to buy little throw pillows because I don't really want to buy large pillows

Today was fun. Except I decided to completely not do a homework assignment, since they drop the lowest grade anyway. But I don't think I've ever consciously decided not to do a homework assignment. OH NO I'm becoming a bad student. Eek.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Castro Valley? I think you mean the Castro District of San Francisco... Castro Valley is a middle class suburb near Hayward.

- Nicole