Thursday, May 15, 2008

Right Now I'm...

sitting in my floor study lounge trying to study for economics but failing. It's incredibly hot right now in Berkeley (supposed to hit 95 today) and also extremely windy. I have to keep the door open with a chair, and I can see it shaking as the wind blows. My floormates are standing on the balcony pretending they're on a ship. It's toooo hot. Ugh.

Usually I go to the gym and when I step outside, I'm greeted with a blast of refreshingly cool Bay Area air. Today, I opened the door and it felt like someone had turned on the heater. By the time I walked into the gym, I was already sweating. Then, all the machines were taken - I guess finals brings out all the early birds. I ended up only doing situps and 5 minutes on the boat machine, but since it was so hot, I was already sweaty and I left.

I can't believe I have to start moving stuff THIS WEEKEND. I'm taking some of my stuff to Jon's house, a few larger things to my future apartment, and my fridge to my summer sublet. So many places. I remember last year when I started packing things into boxes, it was kind of a sad, grown-up moment. Now, this is the last year I'll live in college dorms, and I've grown quite attached to the room I've lived in for the past two years. Goodbye, perfectly located room 309!

Somehow the fact that our floor has the entire day to study ends up being a huge excuse to talk with a few breaks for studying. Now a lot of people eat together for brunch, which is super fun. I usually eat breakfast after the gym, but now I hold out until 11:00 when more people are awake. It hit me yesterday that we don't have two weeks left, as my mind has falsely assumed. We have about FIVE DAYS until people's finals start ending and they start going home. Eek! Also, slightly more scary is that I have an interview in FOUR days for a footsteps program, which is like a 3-day shadowing program. I feel like if I can't even get into this program, I can't even try to get a job. Probably faulty logic though.

Ok ... must at least try to finish understanding this homework assignment I was supposed to do a month ago, but I ended up just copying from my floormate. Teehee.

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