Thursday, May 22, 2008

GT Interview

Ok. I'm not going to post this entry unless I get into the program. So... this is written Monday, May 19th at 1:39 PM. Today is the day of my 2nd final, Film Studies, which will be at 5:00. Lots of little things to do today, but overall I am :):)

I had an interview today at 10:00 for a footsteps program at Grant Thornton. If I get it, I basically get to shadow someone for three days at the SF office. When I first applied for it, I was kind of whatever, but I've grown increasingly hopeful about it. I REALLLLLYYYY want to get it.

So I had a crazy dream this morning that kind of shows how stressed out I am about this. It felt very real too. So the dream was that I was back at home, and the day was today. I don't know why I went home, but I was sitting at home with my mom when I was like "Oh! I have to go to my interview now" and she's like "what interview" and I'm like "the one for Grant Thornton! I have to catch the bart to get to the Embarcadero" and then she goes "the Bart? But you're in socal!" And I totally freak the shit out. I really really thought I was in So Cal. And I was like "WTF WHY DID I GO HOME EARLY? DID I FORGET ABOUT MY INTERVIEW?!?!?!" So I freaked out for about five minutes and I was super sad and really disappointed. Then, the dream mel thought, "OMG I even have a FINAL TODAY TOO! AT FIVE! HOW AM I GOING TO GET HOME?!" And then that was when I realized this was a dream and I woke up.

When I woke up, I even felt afraid to open my eyes. Like, I was worried that I would open my eyes and realize that I was actually at home. So I slowly opened them and tried to look around n the darkness. Then I saw Chrystal's bed and I was soooo relieved. It's kind of funny that that was the most stressful nightmare I've ever had. The dream where I missed my interview.

Oddly, a few seconds after I woke up, I suddenly had the realization that my TMV ring was last seen in the shower. I remember taking it off ... I don't remember putting it back on. I'm really hoping I'll start moving things and then find it somewhere near my bookshelf. I'm kind of losing hope though... Which makes me sad because it's like one of my most prized possessions =L I was kind of sad to leave without finding it, because I wear it as a "good luck charm," and I always wear it when I want to look pretty or go to interviews.

Well, woke up, got some money, then waited for Bear Market to open so I could get an Odwalla. I ended up talking to a swimmer for a little bit since it wasn't open yet. Umm bought an Odwalla orange juice then walked to the bus stop. I was like "today must be a good day" because the bus came right after I got to the stop. Then, I was trying to pay my bart ticket but one dollar wouldn't go in, so I was like "eff this I'll add more money on the way back" right when the SF bart came. I raced down the stairs and made it right before the doors closed. I hadn't brought my iPod because I don't have a purse and there are only so many things I can put in my suit jacket pocket, so I sat on the bart just thinking.

Got to the Embarcadero around 9:40 and found the Beale St. exit fairly easily. I asked a person for directions to 1 california suite, and I walked around for a bit. I was super excited because I was like "this might be the first day of the rest of my life walking around the SF Financial district." I was all in business wear too, so I fit in. Found 1 California Suite. Very large building. It was the first time I've ever been in one of those large business buildings. It's insaneeeee. The door is one of those rotating ones you have to push and go in a circle around. The ground level room is just security guards and a receptionist with this huge computer panel in front of her. The person at the front will ask you to sign in and then she'll call an elevator for you. So she says "you're on floor 23, elevator G" and you walk over and just wait for your elevator to arrive. The elevator doesn't even have buttons for other floors. Just open, close, fire alarm. CRAZY. I guess it keeps the stalkers from floating around from floor to floor.

It runs up to floor 23 extremely quickly. Kind of like the Empire State building. The reception area has four very comfy individual seats with a round table with newspapers. There's also a board room right in the front with glass walls and very comfy looking leather chairs. I made some small talk with another girl there, and I was thinking to myself "good, I feel very sociable today so maybe I'll do well." Well, my interviewer came to get me and then we had our interview in an office. Also with glass walls. I was kind of :( when I saw the inside of the office, it's just cubicles. Tons of cubicles - I guess I had dreamt up that everyone gets their own pretty office, which is pretty unlikely. Well, my interviewer was super nice and very easy to talk to. She started with "We'll just talk about your achievements and what you've done in the past" and I thought to myself "oh... that sounds super easy." The questions were not as intense as they would be for a normal interview. It really felt like they just wanted to know what you do in life.

I don't know how but somehow we started talking about tv shows and how she should watch How I Met Your Mother. That was a fun moment for me. I'm so glad I have a job at Equilar too - I was like "I look at def-14a's and 10-k's" and she was clearly like "wow" and asked me what I do at my job. I'm also very glad I have learned what I do at my job - I wouldn't have been able to answer that a year ago. Anyway, fun interview! She seems very nice, and this is a little weird, but when I was talking to her, I could totally imagine her as someone else's bridesmaid or maid of honor. I would want to work there and be friends with people like her. Eek! I want to make work friends!

So the interview ended and I went to the elevators and kind of stood there for a few seconds not knowing that to do. Instead of up and down buttons, it's just a numeric keypad. Requires higher intelligenece. I just pressed 1 and it came to get me. And then ... I just walked out. Kind of an uneventful ending. Well, it was a freaking beautiful overcast day. HAHA so I walked around the area. But then my feet hurt so I just walked back to the bart, where I almost fell asleep and missed my stop. Came back, basically ran for the bathroom to pee, then ate with friends and I haven't really started studying yet.

So that's my day. I have such an interview high. It's starting to die out and will probably completely die out when I go in for my film studies class. But :) I HOPE I GET IT! *crosses fingers* And if you are reading this ... that means I got it!


jackie said...


coonie said...

CONGRATS YOU!!! hehe. i love reading about this, i feel like we are so old now. :O