Saturday, May 17, 2008

What am I like?

Yesterday was a GREAT day. I didn't study much, again. I for sure flunked my final. It was insanely hot, again. But, I have about three buffer days where I don't have to study and I can still be on schedule. My final was for a P/NP class. And at least it wasn't hotter than the day before.

I woke up really early, because now I don't close my blinds and I basically wake up every day at 6:30. Which is actually kind of fun. I had a final at 12:30 (I realize now that I already blogged up to this point yesterday). Ok. So instead of studying before my final, I watched the season finale of The Office. Took the final and I didn't know about half of the problems. Watched Grey's Anatomy, with a few technical difficulties. Paulo's internet wouldn't work so we used mine. Then, about 10 minutes before the end, Lexie confronts Cristina and just as she opens her mouth to talk back, my computer just freezes then shuts down. HAHA Stupid battery. Can't even last for a 1-hr online episode.

Then I packed a little, then went back to the study lounge to watch Lost. SO. EFFING. Good. I realized there are two things that always make me tear up in movies/tv. 1) Scenes where masses of people are trapped/slowly killed, like in I Am Legend when the bridges collapse. Or when Titanic goes down. 2) Scenes where characters I care about are reunited, like yesterday's episode of Lost.


I realized that I don't really like what I wrote there because it was very xanga-like. But I don't really want to delete it. I think I will try writing this in a different format.

I also keep listening to this song. I think I really like it because of the part at 3:08. It is the climax of the song! But, Hilarious!


So yesterday was awesome because I talked to two people on the floor that I never really talked to before. I really regret not going around to each room and introducing myself at the beginning of the year. I came a few days after welcome week started, and then I felt kind of awkward. I remember about a year ago I was like "Alvin I regret not talking to my coworkers at Equilar more" and he was like "you always regret not talking to people. It's the only thing you regret" which is very true. I pretty much do whatever else I want to do but I'm not as outgoing as I would like to be. I've become more outgoing since I was young, but :( that I didn't really speak to the swimmers on the floor because they all seem nice and interesting.

Anyway, besides those two awesome conversations, the fun, gossipy one I had with Paulo while buying dinner and then cooking mac&cheese with him, I ended up talking to Jon and Chrystal for about an hour last night too. Jon is my roommate next year and he was like "is there anything I should know about her?" and then we ended up reminiscing about the past two years, focused on me, which was really fun because Chrystal has nearly perfect memory. So things she told me about me. This should be fun to read for those who are friends with me.

-I make noises when I sleep. Seriously, this was the first thing she said. I can't believe this is what pops into her head. Sigh.
- "Will you guys have a mirror in the bedroom?" "OH I plan on buying a full-length mirror" "Because if you have a mirror, you will see her do this ALL THE TIME *clutches stomach* 'Oh no... why am I so fat?'"
HAHA Seriously, my life IS determined by my stomach. I've decided not to go to parties because my stomach was too big. My life, diet and mood is basically determined by the hourly changes of my stomach.
- I have a giant list of "NEVER AGAINs" for food, including ice cream, Raleigh's Chicken Caesar Flatbread, Cafe Intermezzo. But every month three days before I get my period, I end up consuming an entire pint in a sitting.
- I'll go crazy on one food and think it's the most healthy thing to eat ever, and just eat it every day. And then one day I'll find out how unhealthy it is and ban it from my life. (ex. Granola Bars)
- Also, before my period I will get bloated but not realize it's because I'm about to get my period. So there's always a period where I majorly freak out about how fat I am, and then constantly say "OMG I really need to exercise. And starve myself" and then I'll find out it's just period bloating and then I'll consume that pint of ice cream mentioned above.
- I will draw pictures for people
- I sit around for a long time just looking for split ends to cut
- I sleep very little (which I found untrue - I sleep maybe 7 hours a day)
- When I get angry, I lie about being angry but give people the silent treatment. Which brought about the story of "when Mel got mad at me during finals and didn't speak to me for three days until the season finale of Survivor when the silence was broken"
- People shouldn't antagonize me during finals. (which is untrue this semester because all I do is play)
- I have a terrible memory except when it comes to tv faces and songs. That is, I can recognize the face of an extra and I can place a song in a show, but when it comes to real people I meet them and then I forget them. Very true. Because once I was watching Gilmore Girls and I suddenly went "OMG IT'S HIRO FROM HEROES!" He was this Asian nerd in the back of the classroom and had like a 3-word line.
- I can rewatch episodes a ridiculous number of times. In fact, an episode will come on tv, I'll watch it in real time, then I'll rewatch the entire thing the next day. Also, I'll just come home and watch a random episode because something during the day reminded me of it.

I think that's when we started running out of things to say. But yup. That's me summed up in twelve bullet points. Time to study, go to Oakland Chinatown, then study some more.

1 comment:

coonie said...

HIRO IS EASILY IDENTIFIABLE! HAHAHAHA. you have poor memory. period. just kidding <3