Friday, May 30, 2008

Omg and now I'm unemployable

OMFG I GOT A B- IN MACROECON. Seriously, I'm half torn between cheering for not getting a C, and crying because it's a B MINUS. I could have lived with a B but a minus is like "HELLO SHE ALMOST GOT A C, DON'T EVEN LOOK AT HER RESUME" FUCK. FUCK FUCK FUCK. I talked to Li-Ting, who is like my go to person for anything business related and she was basically like "well. Just don't get anymore, and get A's in accounting courses." BUT OMFG. I have only TWO SEMESTERS including summer to get my GPA up to a point where my resume doesn't land in the automatic reject pile. FUCK. OMFG.

There's the part of my brain that is really freaking out right now, residual from middle school self pressure, and a scarier thing is happening where the other part of my brain is just starting not to care about things anymore. AGH. But I can't not care, because I don't have a JOB YET, HELLO. Stupid brain. AGH. Well, all I can say is that I did poorly this semester because I assumed all my classes were easy, and I focused more on socializing. I have really good friends now, which means I can put grades back in my first priority. I hope it was worth it. I really hope this isn't the first thing I put in my REGRET list, because I've enjoyed saying I've lived without regrets, but if this B- is what stands in the way of living the way I've planned, that is one big regret.

Priority list for the summer:
1) Getting A's in both classes
2) Making friends in summer school
3) Lowering error rate at work
4) Making friends in sublet
5) Making friends at work
6) Keeping in contact with other friends


coonie said...

LISTEN TO ME. stop going beserk, you're not going to be turned away from a job just because of one B-. And if this is really what you want to do, don't let that make you feel any less accomplished. There are other qualities, besides getting an A in macro, that will make other people want to hire you. If it makes you feel any better, I got a B- in my 1st semester in ochem, but now i'm getting an A. So you should make it up! but don't beat yourself up over it. i heart you!! don't worry.

Anonymous said...

I agree with ^

Stop freaking out. You think you have it bad? Have I told you about my GPA crisis? Screw the B-, I'm not even holding an AVERAGE of a 3.0 for this past semester.

And I'm the crazy one going into physics which means sparsely populated and equally competitive and grad school = must keep gpa very high.

So relax and be happy you met people like me. It is worth it - don't ever regret making friends.

FL said...

are you back yet? we miss you already.

and you're probably going to be the most successful out of all of us!

be happy! have a summer fling.

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