Saturday, March 1, 2008

Keyboards and Sweet Tomatoes

I bought a new keyboard! Yay! I think I should have gone with the one without the number pad, only because then it would actually be the same size as my laptop. Right now, I'm typing on a keyboard that rests upon my laptop keyboard. It looks super ghetto - there are wires everywhere now, expecially because I bought a USB hub thing. I don't care. I can type again!

I went to San Leandro with Caroline, which is where Jonathan and Paulo live. We basically went to everywhere that I said I wanted to go to over the past week. Frys to buy my keyboard. DSW so I could look at shoes. I almost bought one but decided not to in the end. 7 is too big and 6.5 was too small and painful. I could feel myself almost doing what I ALWAYS do at a shoe store which is say "OMG THESE ARE SO CUTE! But they hurt like hell. BUT THEY'RE SO CUTE! But they're too small! BUT THEY'RE SO CUTE~ I'll wear them anyway!" In the end, as I'm sure you can guess, I wear them once then never again.

Then we ate at ... SWEET TOMATOES. AKA Souplantation! I was so excited to eat there, I bet everyone was like wtf. We had kind of gotten lost on the way there and this Soupie was nestled in a rather large commercial center. I wish we had had more time to look around there. But, we backtracked and I was like OMG It's a SWEET TOMATOES!!! It was very nice inside. It makes our soupie look super lame. Omg. Sooooo good. They even have a patio area, which would have been awesome for us in socal, except no one ever eats outside in socal. I assume because of the smog.

Anyway, their layout is much more awesome. They have an automatic door between the restaurant and the outside patio which is GENIUS because people are carrying trays, duh! The put the foccacia in little baskets, SO CUTE. They even have little cute ice cream cones - not big but TEENY sized!

They also have san francisco wild rice, which I didn't love because I'm not used to pilaf but Paulo said was freaking good. They basically have everything we have but MORE. Ok, that's not true - their pasta section only had the mac&cheese, the rice (which we wouldn't have) and steamed vegetables instead of another type of pasta. BUT they had something that was like 50x better than anything I've had there.


They look like ... little bite sized brownies - the kind they sell at costco. Only, not brownies, but cookies with a shitload of little chocolate chips and peanut butter chips on the top. Omg. I think I had 5. Caroline claims to have eaten 12, which I don't doubt. I bought back a plate of 3 and she was like "these aren't all for ME are they" and I was like oh no I'll eat some too. She ended up eating them all. HAHA When we both got back to Berkeley she was like "I feel really bad, I think I'm going to try and go throw up" and I was the one going "ARE YOU KIDDING DON'T DO THAT you better not turn bulemic on me." Which is hilarious because it's usually the other way around. That is why we are friends. She's crazier than I am though. She doesn't call herself fat, but she is more crazy about exercising than I am.

So that was my day. I don't even think of today as a day, because I wasn't in Socal and I wasn't in Berkeley, so it felt like I was off in an alternate ... universe. Ok, that probably doesn't make sense but it does to me. I want to go to the gym again later. Not really. I guesss I'll see how I feel. Until then, I'm going to try and find as many reasons as possible to type. Type type type.

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