Sunday, March 2, 2008

omg what am I doing

I just ate a calzone from Gypsys. WHYYY. I notice that a lot of the times, it's ME telling other people "omg we should eat out!" and in the end when I'm standing in the restaurant I realize "oh no don't do this you'll regret it" but I can't not order because I'm the reason we're in the restaurant in the first place. So I eat ... and then I don't lose weight ... and then I blog about it.

Some crazy ideas I've had to lose weight:
- Drink alcohol after large meals. This will lead to throwing up, which I cannot bring myself to do with my finger. However, there's the problem of tooth decay. And also, I wouldn't know whether this qualifies as alcoholism or bulemia.
- Exercise when I feel hungry, because after exercising, I don't feel as hungry

JUSTTTT KIDDDINGGGGG. Well ok, I really did have these ideas but I would never do them. -_-

Anyway, I better start making some rules for my eating habits. I learned that when you write stuff down, you are more committed to them. I have ugly writing so I don't want to actually write them, although I should. I kind of want to type them and print them out ... but how embarassing to print them out at the computing center and have someone potentially look at it.

- One meal per week. HAHA Ok, I said this to Chrystal and she was like "... what?" What I mean is, in a good day, my "meals" consist of: yogurt parfait, fruit, then another yogurt parfait, and a meal of spinach leaves with tofu and pho. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I eat a lunch consisting of spinach leaves, tofu, omelette, and english muffin with cheese and deli meat. The rest of the day is yogurt parfaits and apples galore. In my mind, these don't count as meals. Meals = when I eat out and eat a crapload. X_X So ... from now on, only ONE MEAL a week. Which sucks because there are so many restaurants left to eat at in Berkeley. Let's see:

There are 12 weeks left in the school year (12?! I thought there were like 7)
Restaurants I want to eat at with friends:
- La Note
- Brazil cafe
- Cheeseboard
- Fin Fine
- La Med
- Crepevine

So I have half of the rest of my semester planned out. HAHA

Ok I feel really sick. I drank a lot of water and that + the calzone = large stomach = makes me gross about myself. I also really need to read for econ but I hate that book. HATE!

1 comment:

jackie said...

mmm calzone. anyway, here are some tidbits that my trainer told me and i shall tell you :D
1. protein shakes. like 5 calories from fat and 200 calories of energy
2. nonfat organic yogurt with a drizzle of honey. ZERO calories!!
3. small munchies to ward off starvation and insane binges

p.s. can't wait for spring break!!!